eventually we'll catch up on all the
multiple monday's. eventually.
1) What is your front like/how is it set up?
we have an area we call the sunroom where people who are fronting gather. it's sort of just behind the actual front. the actual front is really hard to describe. it's a place just passed the sunroom. in order to actively talk, in your own voice or write yourself, you have to be in the front not just in the sunroom. in the sunroom you can kibitz, listen, and be aware of everything that's happening in the front.
2) Can people have private time in the front or is everything that happens there public knowledge?
anyone can have private time in the front. the only rule about it is that if something happens that all the front-runners need to know about that information needs to go into public narration. actually, about 30% of any given day is private generally.
3) Is there anyone who can't/won't come to the front?
there are lots of people in our household who have no desire to come to the front. i don't know of anyone who can't come to the front, but if someone isn't feeling well it's polite not to come to the front because if the front gets sick anyone who front runs has to deal with it.
4) What, if anything, draws a crowd to the front?
lots of things! a good tv show, spaghetti, a trip to someplace new, going out with friends that lots of people in here like, concerts, fairs generally any activity that is out of the everyday.
5) Where do you go when you're not in the front?
we go either to the sunroom or into the interior. our interior is loosely divided into two parts: close to the front and everywhere else. close to the front are a series of rooms occupied mostly by front-runners as well as a game room, a green room (which is like a walk-in clinic), a kitchen, and a lounge. further inside, outside in our view because you go out through one of the doors, is allaria which is the world/place we are from.