It's time for
Multiple Monday 1) How old is the body?
2) Do you age with the body, stay the age you are, age at a different rate than the body, age-slide, some combination of those things?
the front-runners tend to age at the same rate the body ages. inside, people age slightly slower, but very close to the rate out front.
3) Were you born with the body or did you come along later?
as far as i know, jana and hallie are the only front-runenrs who claim the same birthday as the body, but i'm sure there are people inside who were born on the same date. personally, i'm 29.
4) If you could stay any age, what age would you remain?
as an ideal age, i was partial to 19. i don't think i'd stay there though. i like the idea of aging.
5) Who is the oldest person and who is the youngest?
since people are constantly being born and dying inside, i'm sure the youngest person is newborn. i have no idea how old the oldest person on alaria is.