Sep 24, 2005 14:38
We're at the library again. It seems like we have a zillion things to write when we're not here, but when we get here, our brains freeze up.
Let's try the random write approach. - Sarah
Fine. I'll start. My stomach's lurching and for no good reason I feel like I want to barf. I feel like I have no reason to be upset because so many people are a lot worse off than we are. We got all our stuff out and we have Jo's mum's condo to stay in. Fuck we can go swimming every day in the condo pool. But I can't feel calm and I can't relax and all I have in my head is images from NOLA. Now with Rita I feel like the government is going to pull all the resources from NOLA to Texas because Bush is from there. They're going to get all the help and we're going to be screwed, again. - Ned
I completely understand feeling upset over the entire issue. I certainly believe that Bush will pull (in fact already has pulled) resources from New Orleans in order to deal with the aftermath of Rita. I do not think that New Orleans will be left without any resources. We are a vocal city, hostile when provoked, and we are capable of agitating for the help we need. That said I do not believe that the government will step up willingly or with the fullest extent of resources to aid New Orleans or its citizens. - Jana
There's nothing wrong with feeling upset. I mean, it completely sucks. Going back and getting our stuff out was the right thing to do, but it was really scary. I can't really go there now because I'll cry, and I don't feel like crying in the library. - Sarah
i just want our lives to start again. i'm tired of being homeless. i mean, i know we have a place to live, but we don't have a home. we can't sell our house and until we do, we can't get a new one. we're stuck in limbo in florida. - tyler
Yeah. And I want to write about going back in there and getting the stuff out, but I'm just too tired to write about it. I'm just really tired. I have a million phone calls to make and I don't want to deal with them. - Ned (and other folks)
We only need to take one step at a time. We went to the grocery store today. We'll back a few phone calls later. I'm sure calla has a list of who we need to phone. (i do. -calla) There. There's a plan. All we need to do is pick a direction and keep moving and we're doing that. -Peter
Aren't you the calm center in the storm. -Ned
If I'm calm, I can get things done. I'm upset. I just don't think it's useful to let that control me. -Peter
It's not. I just can't seem to get a good grip right now. -Ned
You don't need to right now. There are a lot of people in the front. It's not all up to you. -Peter
What he said. -Sarah.
Yeah. *takes deep breath* I'm trying to get there. -Ned
You shall eventually. -Jana
That's the theory. -Ned
We've been here a while. We need to think about dinner. -Sarah
I'm fixin' to make broccoli and chicken. -James
Sounds good. -Sarah
Well this was a disconnected brain dump. -Ned
Those are the best kind. -Sarah
Really? -Jana
Oh yeah. -Sarah
my head hurts. -tyler
I think it's the lighting in here. -Sarah
You mean the ever so lovely fluorescent bulbs? -Jana
That and the slightly shaky screen. -Sarah
I'm so glad you said that! I thought it was just my eyes. - Ned
No. It's definitely the screen. -Sarah
Okay. Let's get out of here. -Ned
daily life