Yesterday, I got my frames straightened after having stepped on them about a week ago.
Unfortunately I committed a sin whilst waiting for my frames to be bent back in place...I looked at other frames. Much like shoes, I can somehow tell myself sick lies: "The frames you are wearing you've had for over 3 years, it is time for a new pair."
The worst part is, I found a real dandy pair:
Yep, Prada. They are a moss green wtih green crystals on the side of the frame.
At the optical shop I was at, the frames cost $350. Ouch. That does not count the lenses, anti-scratch, anti-glare etc. ($160). However, I just did some searching and found the same frames on! What the...and they are only $189 (U.S.). Hmmmmmm....
I most likely won't get them though. I have booked a flight to visit friends in Van so there goes the $ for the frames. My work does reimburse for $200 though. Eeek. The temptation continues.
K. This blog is getting selfish.
See ya,