-- storylines.

Mar 23, 2008 11:58

THE COMRADE AT ARMS: The dynamic duo, the terrible twosome, the Brooklyn bitches, etc, etc. She is the Sister Vigilante to Sara's Comrade Snarky! Their stores are right near each other, and they have recently developed a wonderful friendship based entirely on rants, sarcasm, and rampant misanthropy. The fact that they both love their shops but hate retail is a great bonding point. Though not close on an emotional level, they've developed a unique relationship that manifests primarily as taking on the world with their wit and wacky hijinks. The ultimate tag team, these two could flay the skin off the Devil and live to hi-five about later. Their relationship may be one-dimensional, but it's pretty damn awesome for all that.

THE PAIN IN MY ASS: They squabble, they fight, they toss insults back and forth. But it's different here; it's not for amusement, and it's definitely not any kind of friendly banter. In truth, THE PAIN is probably one of the few people who can consistantly grate her nerves raw without even trying very hard. They catfight constantly, and Sara would genuinely like to hit this person over the head with a heavy encyclopedia.

THE FELIX: Ah, the Odd Couple! This is the Felix to Sara's Oscar. They are not, at first glance, even remotely alike. And yet somehow, against all odds, they work. They chatter, they banter, they hang out together, and are even roommates. There's a story there, you can be sure, but God only knows what it must have been to make Sara stick to THE FELIX the way she does.
[Conway Frey ; bippetyboo]

THE CHRIS BRANDER: They've been friends since they were kids, and he's the one person Sara's not afraid to be vulnerable with. She knows how he thinks, and he knows how she thinks; they're there to balance each other out when one gets too morose or the other too worked up. THE GUY PAL is a little softer than she is, as it turns out, and this tempers her from getting too vicious. He's definitely the guy she can rant to for twenty minutes straight, over coffee and scrambled eggs at the diner down the street, without worrying that he'll mind. She's extremely protective of him in her own way; it's possible that there was once more to it, but if so then she's not telling. They are, and always will be, Just Friends™.
[Miles Brennan ; rubythrone]

THE PATRON: In order to get her store off the ground, Sara turned not only to loans but also to the Tale community. After a significant amount of private canvassing and a few negotiations, one of the many well-off types came on-board the project. As an investor, THE PATRON has no interest in the day-to-day affairs of running the shop -- he/she has more important things to do -- but they do have access to all the financial details. They keep tabs on tax files, loan repayments, expenditures, profits, employee salaries, etc, etc. It's a measure of how much her bid for independence meant to her that she was willing to give up absolute control in exchange for making it happen.

THE ARMY OF DARKNESS: Okay, so maybe they aren't exactly zombies or Canderian Demons, but chances are they'd all get the reference if you quizzed 'em. These are the intrepid employees of Dead Poet Books, as known for their verbal repartée as their work ethic. Though they might not be professional in the traditional sense, they are nevertheless able workers who understand that the bookstore is also a business. Customers are important! Fortunately, so is a sense of humour. Whether it's pimping the latest bestseller, introducing you to a new author, or beating each other with blunt instruments, they are a lively cast of characters.
[Casey Lewis ; beastarrific / OPEN / OPEN]

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