MTS: Reaching for the Horizon, part 1, NC-17, CLex

May 27, 2008 01:17

Remember back when I posted the last two sections and I was all, "Oh, look! It's almost over! Oh, yay! Celebration!" Remember that? Yeah. Well. That'll teach me to celebrate early. heh

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to anyone that this fic is still a WIP. This fic is going to be a WIP till the day I DIE! ...I'm kidding. It will eventually end, I swear. It's just that I think that after this section, there are going to be yet four more. And... an epilogue. The darn story just keeps evolving and twisting and turning and getting away from me and I can't catch up. I keep thinking I'm almost there and then: "Oop! Twenty more plot points! Four more sections left for you to write. Sorry! Thanks for playing." heh I'm seriously now shooting for finishing MTS in its entirety around the end of 2008, which would make this series over three years in the making. According to my estimates, its size is likely to balloon to around 3MB/2000 pgs. Oy!

So I do apologize to everyone who was hoping this post or the next would be the final chapter to MTS, but it appears that we're not even close, and I am certainly in this for the long haul. I appreciate your patience as I take my time wrestling this monster to the ground! Hopefully you'll find some enjoyment in it as well. :)

Sooooooo! Without any further ado (i.e. whining on my part), I give you The Manual Transmission Series, part 9:


Warnings: Schmoop (a lot of schmoop-insulin warning!), drama, mild het, bona fide bpp cliffhanger ending, alien weirdness, very graphic boy/boy sex.

113051 words

(I've got to stop making promises about size. Despite my best intentions, they just keep getting bigger. I miss the 300KB-piece days. ::wistful sigh::)

MTS from the beginning
Reaching for the Horizon, part 1


Feedback is like a glass of French red wine in one hand and a Belgian chocolate truffle in the other at the end of a really hard day.


P.S. The editing process was a bit rushed. If you find any errors, feel free to let me know.

fic, clex, mts

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