after the game....

Sep 23, 2005 23:04

well... i guess ill start off with talking about this morning.

um, i went to school and had an extremely slow day, because my classes were like... an average of 10 minutes each... so i had nothing to do really from 10 until 3 30ish... so i wrote.. and I wrote... and i wrote some more. haha.

i called Hailey before psychology just to say hi... I wanted to say so much more... but I couldnt talk long... so after that, i took my psychology test, then went home and called hailey again. so i told her everything that i wanted to say from before, but i still wanta tell her something... in person tho.

well, we talked until she had to go to the highschool for the game tonight, and Im like... im going to the game... so i got directions, fairly easy, and I went.

once again, I froze my ass off, but like... almost all of the first half of the game, I sat right next to Hailey because there wasnt any room with the rest of the band.. so im like... omg yay!

but her, and the susa's were eventually moved my mrs bates... oh well, I was in a good mood. Seeing hailey smile means everything to me... and i just feel... loved.

*sigh* her smile is so beautiful looking on her beautiful face.

then they went and did half time, and I spent most of 3rd quarter with Hailey in the stands... she went into the band geek only territory for a bit, which i didnt mind at all.

but anyways... there was this dragon fly there named Henry... im like... awe, he came back to me! lol....

but after that, the game was over... rangers won or something, but who really cares? hehe

so i run to the consession stand and get hailey a pina coloada flavored succer( I guess she likes pina coloada) i cant spell... lol... and I got to the truck before the band did, so I grabbed her bari sax case and gave her the sucker. i was gunna say "I want a sucker..." but im like.. .ew no.

but long story short... I feel so happy.

i got home, and here I am.. kinda hoping that Hailey comes on line for a bit.

haha, we totally have plans for this sunday. but i wont get into that.

well, im gunna wait for Hailey to come on if she does, probably not, she's probably tired... and i dont blame her...

ok, off to waiting.


Andy = totally in love with Hailey.
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