Out of the Desert and into the Sun

Sep 08, 2009 23:07

              Well, LiveJournal has reminded me that it has been 16 weeks since I last posted, and it wasn't pushy and condescending about it. It didn't come to me and complain about my lack of use, no, it took the high road. Just left a little note for me to find whenever I wandered back. I feel like that's why LJ and I can stay in this relationship, its there whenever I need it. In other news, LiveJournal has also informed me that it is turning 10 years old soon. Do you realize what that means? First off I forgot to get a present again... but also that this service started in 1999. Dang, before the millennium, before Y2K threatened to kill the internet, before terrorism crashed it's ugly head into the face of a now relatively innocent world and the side of two of the most prominent towers in 21st century business. Before you and I entered middle school, before we kissed our first girlfriends, before we knew each other for the most part. Do you realize how much our lives have changed?

Do you realize how much we've changed?

I am back at Pepperdine now, 1 week into my junior year. It has not been a great first week, and I figured out today, that it's not because there has been anything wrong with the week, or with school here, but that it pales in comparison to my life for the past year or so. Yeah, I said it, living on the beaches of Malibu attending one of the top tier universities in the United States and it pales in comparison. Well, let's take a look at the recent past for a second. I spent the spring semester of my sophomore year in Florence, Italy. I lived down the street from where the renaissance was born. I could see the Duomo and the Palazzo Vecchio from the villa that I lived in. I took my girlfriend at the time on a date to Paris. How does it get better? Once I got back stateside I started my four and a half month summer. I was not terribly stoked because most of you weren't going to be around to share it with me. I started an Internship at Joe's Dad's Law Office, which was fine. I also kept my job at Disneyland and was paying the bills (all 870 dollars of them) left over from my European escapade. Then things changed, and might I say that it was the best thing that could have happened. I ended up not working at the Law Office while Mr. Smith was on Vacation in New York, and in that time got trained on the canoes at Disneyland. For those of you who don't know, this is what I have wanted to do since I was hired and trained in that sugar coated hell hole called the hundred acre wood. Canoe races started and I found solace from my lack of best friends in the team there and everyone at Disneyland. I became more involved there than I had ever before and they really became like a support system for me and were indeed fun to hang out with. I miss that a lot now that it's gone for nine months.

Well, anyways, I figure I'll leave off with some interesting things that I have learned or that have occurred to me this week:

1) I learned in nutrition class that having a healthy diet has much less effect on your weight than everyone thinks. Surprising factors include, sleep, emotional and social wellness, and how fast you eat(which explains a lot travis). I found this all very interesting and this is one ember that was refreshed this week to start the flame of self improvement again.

2) I really like economics. This is an entire science devoted to my general ideas in life. The main point being that you should minimize cost and maximize benefits. It's the rebel philosophy laid out in guidelines and bullet points and made sound so important that it actually ranks as the 5th highest paid job behind a bunch of engineers and people who actually have a skill set. This seems like something that I could actually do for a living. Which also leads to me rethinking law school, not dropping it, but seriously reconsidering. More on all that another time.

I'm hoping to post once a week this semester, so feel free to keep me accountable on that and hopefully you find all this interesting.
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