May 10, 2009 20:34
So clearly I am running out of Ideas for titles, but that is neither here nor there.
So I realize that there is a problem with the way that I think and or do things in life. And I also realize that I have realized this problem multiple times before and yet have not done anything to change it, or rather the very nature of the problem makes it very challenging to overcome it.
I am indecisive.
I hate to make decisions for fear that I am missing out on something better. It sabotages my relationships, causes me to create countless video game characters (sorry travis/any one who plays wow), and indirectly causes me to fail at a large amount of the goals that I place before myself. I am constantly changing the things that I want to do and trying to do everything so that I don't miss out. This makes me pretty good at a wide variety of things, and yet I am a master of none. I am the proverbial jack of all trades, which sounds cool except that when you put it in plain english just means that you dont have a specialty. I have thought about this a lot too. Whenever I actually set my mind to something, or my hand is forced for me, I complete that task or goal in usually record time and with flying colors. So I set goals for myself and hurl myself headfirst into it, then in a few days or weeks, get bored or wonder about something else and try that out. Hence the problem, when I try to change this aspect of my personality I become bored or wonder if this is really what I want, and consequently revert to my old ways.
Don't get me wrong, I rather enjoy doing things this way, however it is not very productive, and sometimes annoys people. Not to mention that getting bored with your girlfriend is never a flattering conversation. Anyways, I suppose I'll just keep trying and if not, I'll just do things the slow way and one day when i am 87 I will be epic at everything ever convieved by the narrow mind of man.