This Weekend

Sep 11, 2008 08:54

Well hello all, it has been quite a span of time since I last frequented this site and I have noticed that all of you fellows have used it quite sparingly as well. I hope that these recent posts will reestablish its prominence in our world of blogging and that it should not be overlooked so as to be well informed of the goings on in the lives of those dearest to me.


Since I have quit running I have applied myself to the task of being the most epic human being that my situation in life will allow. I see great potential and thus aim quite high.

Over the past week or so I have done quite a lot of reading to go along with my regularly apportioned studying for classes. I have read Animal Farm, The Prince, An Oration on the Dignity of Man, Ender's Shadow and Plato's Apology.  Reading and acquiring knowledge seem to me to be a vital portion of the task of becoming epic.

I have also been lifting weights more seriously. The way I figure someone who is epic will also have an epic body.

And as a capstone to the week, this weekend I am going to fast starting friday for 3 days (fasting in the sense of only drinking water). I feel like this is something worth doing in order to prove to myself that I am of a very high state of consciousness. That I am not governed as much by animal urges such as hunger as I am by a higher calling of knowledge and will.

And yet, even though I am undertaking these ambitious pursuits, there is something lacking in the way of friends now that I am no longer a part of the brotherhood of running. Nothing mean spirited, just a lack of shared activities that can at times leave a man(specifically me) feeling quite lonely. I am also interested in a certain young woman who has a ridiculously busy schedule and is about to take on even more by way of rushing for a sorority. So though I hope that that goes well for her, part of me feels as though there will be no time left over to hang out which would make me sad. Alas.

I have no idea why I am writing in such an odd cadence, perhaps it is all of the ancient literature that I have read as of late.

Imagine! The great generosity of God! The happiness of man! To man it is allowed to be whatever he chooses to be! - Pico della Mirandola
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