Hello Everyone,
I'm new here (been here before under an old username) and now I'm back :)
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in Dec of '08. So I've had just over two years to adjust to the illness. But just when I think I have it under control until something in my life causes me to relapse. And in saying that, I have a question under the cut.
I used to take Valpro (unsure of prescribed dosage, haven't taken it for a while) coincided with Pristiq (maximum dosage of 200mg per day) and now I've kicked the Valpro. And stuck with the Pristiq. And my question is, does anyone in this community live solely on anti-depressants and no other medication/s? I've been meaning to see my Psychiatrist to try courses of other forms of mood stablizers ever since the Valpro stopped working for me last year. But her work hours are the same as mine so making an appointment has proved difficult considering my current employment status is temporary. Any thoughts?
On another note, anyone else here from Australia? I wasn't sure since most of the community members seem to be from the states. And when posting is it best to make our entries for everyone (public) or members only?
Thanks and I look forward to being a part of this community again.