I try and refocus it, right now I'm trying to refocus on helping OTHER people who I know are in pain ... my choice of distraction is cards, specifically chrismas cards. Hand made, some are QUITE detailed or some are quite basic, depending on my distraction needs (and attention span lol).
Stuff is different for everyone, do you write, or draw/paint? Some find that useful, and productive.
I do karate... I need something to completely absorb my mind and be in the moment. That works for me and helps me gain focus. Sometimes I also do puzzles - but that is more to help calm me down.
I just...keep busy. Usually I choose to create something. I run with a creative idea, and just do it for the sake of doing it. It isn't even about the product. I don't care if what I end up with is beautiful, or if it can be appreciated by someone else. That's not the point.
I write, paint, make jewelery, learn a knew creative craft (I'm learning to knit right now), experiment with cooking a new dish, whatever I can get my hands on.
Comments 6
Stuff is different for everyone, do you write, or draw/paint? Some find that useful, and productive.
I write, paint, make jewelery, learn a knew creative craft (I'm learning to knit right now), experiment with cooking a new dish, whatever I can get my hands on.
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