Jun 01, 2008 21:52
Last Wednesday, I posted the following in my personal LJ, with the intent of cross-posting it here, but took me until now to get around to it (good stuff ahead).
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today is the kind of day I wish every day could be.
Today I feel balanced. It's a rare feeling, comes maybe half a dozen times a year. I am relaxed, but not lethargic. I am mildly ambitious, enough to get some work done, but not in a manic 16-hour shift way.
After a couple days of rain and cold, today is a superlative Rocky Mountain spring day. After a breakfast at Burger King, I even diverted to a walk around a greenway near my home. My senses are awake and I can smell spring vegetation, hear the creek, watch the crawfish, walk over a bridge. I absorbed the environment. This is another rarity because more often than not, I feel numb to my surroundings, having difficulty soaking in and enjoying the moment. Whatever mental cloak that usually hangs over my senses has been lifted.
Today I feel alive. Despite the challenges and the mountain of work ahead of me, I am not stressed. I have this overwhelming sense that, in the words of Tuck and Patti: "Everything is gonna be all right".
Today I hold no grudges, no resentments. My usual mild paranoia of certain groups "out to get me" is gone. At the risk of sounding cleche', I am at peace with myself, and the world.
Today is the kind of day to hang out with family and/or friends. Go to a movie, catch a barbeque, play at the park. I can enjoy my shop time rather then feel obligated. I look forward to what I can accomplish today.
I wish I could feel like this all the time. Alas, I cannot, but I'll enjoy it while I have it.
I hope you have as wonderful a day as I am having.
That sense of peace lasted for most of the day, but I was back to my usual self by the next day. Whatever chemical combination I was under at that time, I wish I knew; I'd patent it and be a millionaire. I was under no medications or drugs. This being a high point in my year so far, I will be looking back to it for comfort when I hit the low periods.
Anyone else ever get this sense, and if so, have you been able to figure out what triggered it?