Weekly review: So far this week...
- I've actually written and finished a nice piece of smut (2 pages long, a record short!)
- I've struggled with a horrible cold that makes me sniffle 8,640 times a day.
- I've created a fake story for my friend, in which I impregnate her with the Anti-Christ ... it's logical.
- It's April, it's been muddy, yet suddenly (at least) 12 inches of snow was dumped onto the area. I measured.
- My eardrum ruptured and bled, requiring a lovely visit to the emergency room.
- I had a horrible reminder of my horrendous cooking talents... I murdered a pizza by cooking it for an hour instead of the reccomneded 10 minutes *slaps forehead* Now it's a dark brown and only good for a game of frisbee.