I just want to shake you until you see the light!!!

Feb 22, 2009 11:57

I hate seeing you continue a relationship with a monster.

do you not see what he is doing to you??? hes ruined your social life. you blame it on your job but I see something else. you abandoned just about all your friends because of him. you have no life anymore. the only people you ever see anymore are me and Colm because you live with us. You never see justin anymore, infact hes mad at you because of Travis.... I know what happened because colm told me about the pill situation... the whole "someone from work must have taken them" is a bullshit excuse... if they were in YOUR purse who else would have gotten them? smells a little fishy to me.
he always goes to bellevue....without you. he had a discussion with colm about the "southern guy" mentality... its fucked up. according to him you can have your main girl that takes care of you but yet your allowed to fuck other girls on the side and the main girl is just supoosed to understand.  what the fuck is that shit?! its bullshit... thats what it is. a big steamy pile of bullshit. no woman deserves to be the other woman. so what does that make me think? it makes me think hes using you and cheating on you. and that is NOT okay with me. I hate cheaters period.
he never chips in with anything. our 222 dollar power bill that we had...he didnt pay a dime on it. which is BULLSHIT. cause he washes tons of clothes here, and the washer and dryer are the biggest power suckers in this place. I understand you guys need bleach white jackets for work but come on! if your gonna use it, your gonna pay for it. and then theres your transmission.... he didnt help you with that when you are the one who drives him EVERYWHERE he wants to go. He obviously doesnt give two shits abotu your guys's relationship. I know its hard for you to see cause your blinded by love... but all of us here on the outside see it. and we dont like what we see. it makes my blood boil.
Im pretty damn sure hes doing drugs, and doing them in our house. I dont care what he does on his free time...he could shoot up herion everyday for all I care but when he feels the need to bring coke and do coke in our house...thats not okay. I have ZERO tolerence for that shit. the only reason I put up with it from Josh is because hes my family and Im not kicking my family out on the streets, I refuse. I lived with a junkie once, Im not doing it again. I dont need or want that shit in my house. what about the mirror in the living room? did you know about that? looked like it had coke all over it. He says most of his money goes to his mom. I dont believe that shit anymore... after my suspision of him doing drugs.. I bet you anything all his money goes up his fucking nose.
I used to like him... but now, I dont. I really dont like him and I dont want him livign here. I see what hes doing to you, and I dont like it one fucking bit.
I know you can do better, I know you can. you dont need some douche whos hooked on drugs. its just gonna make you miserable, maybe even you might get caught up in that shit. I know you have a good head on your shoulders but he might just harass you enough about it and who knows, you could give in just to shut him up.... and all it takes in one time and your fuckng addicted.
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