went to protest about the 1 mile "protest-exclusion-zone" around Westminster yesterday -there was maybe thirty people there. I hardly think the powers that be where quaking in their boots.
One of the thirty people randomely turned out to be a mate from Robodock who was just back from 3 months of activist work in Palestine...makes me feel like I want to have a bit more of a social/political slant to at least some of my activities....not really doing anything for "the-state-of-the-world" at precent....and feeling my lack of engagement.....
also she reminded me that I should go to New York and hook up with her crew The Madagascar Institute:
http://www.madagascarinstitute.com/gallery/jetfishphotos.htm So
theacidfairy when you go to NY I shall venture across the water to visit and we shall go to Broocklyn and find my grandads restaurant -and weld giant monsters that breath fire and unleash them on unsuspecting tyrants -yes?