Election '08 : A Martian's Viewpoint

Nov 12, 2008 08:11

It seems that the election has been and is hot stuff among you, my LJ friends, so I thought I would chime in with my 2 cents.

First off, I have never voted for one of the Big Two Party presidential candidates in my life.

Ever since the '84 election, I have voted Red all the way!!! (and by red I do not mean Republican haha)
Many would say I was throwing away my vote, but if the major two candidates on the ballot were Mussolini or Pol Pot, I wouldn't try and vote for the "Lesser Evil". In some sense, I think the Reps & Dems are both status quo parties in any area that would involve my Socialist political concerns.

Having said that, I certainly was no fan of either Bush that was Prez *PTOO!* and would rather have Obama in office than another Bushism follower. Obama rubs me the wrong way sometimes and I sure as hell don't want him saddling the nation with another unending tax burden of "reparations" like he has insanely spoken of in the past, but I pray to heaven above that he can do something to bolster the mood of the PEOPLE and deal with this screwed up economy. I sure have not been pleased to see the war debt and the bail outs and all of the other things that tax payers ate, while the banks & special interests were already counting their money.

So, as you see, I am in a different political camp than most of you here, but tend to sympathize with the Obama-lovers more ;)

I certainly was in a whole other camp. I do not know yet what the national vote count was, but I was one of only 790 poor souls in Minnesota that cast their vote for the Socialist Workers Party candidates. Ahh well, they and I knew it wasn't going to be dawning of the New Era for us come January, but I think we still serve a purpose in alerting our fellow citizens to some issues that the usual bipartisan spectacles tend to cloud.

I wish the president-elect well and am happy for those that cheered him on.
To Bush all I can say is good riddance, you stupid chimp! I spit on your legacy and your idiotic supporters that voted for death and debt and the ruin of this nation!

btw- it is NU-CLEAR! not nu-cyu-ler FFS! aaaaaaah how many times did I have to hear that from him and his old man... you think I would have jumped into a reactor myself because it was so maddening over the decades.

So, let's join hands, sing "too bad Martian, the Reds will never win har-har" and move forward and make this nation and its people great once again... and I sure hope that includes being good world citizens, too, because we Reds aren't really into nation states so much.

Ok, Obama, you will be handed the reigns soon... do some good :)


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