in which i am uncomfortably stuffy +greedy

Dec 03, 2010 00:27

hey guys i'm pretty sure i'm still sick after thinking i was better then being worse then better then worse then better again. i don't know what it is but it kicked in REAL fast late on wednesday. was it wednesday? i'm pretty sure it was. anyway, it's continued.

haha i typo'd "i'm suck" up there, that's funny. but i fixed it.

no caps for you.

*blows nose everywhere*

*tries to write ten-page paper due by ten in the morning*

hey if anyone wants to get me something for christmas and has no ideas despite me being incredibly easy to please, here are some [extremely affordable] ideas. i am probably a size large.
tim gunn t-shirt
SEX, DRUGS AND TIM GUNN <~note that this is the only thing in caps in this entry that means it's important
i won't have time to read it but btw if you didn't notice i love tim gunn
this is sold out but if you somehow find it ilu
also you have to tell me if you get me anything because i must get you something too. okay. back to work. *sobs onto keyboard*

give you stuff, sick, gimme stuff

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