Name: Kate
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ x ] Best Fit (don't ask for both)
Describe your personality: I have a hard time holding in jokes, and I tend to fall back on humor as a crutch. I try to remain in good taste, though I can remember at least one occasion I was irritating someone by being flippant at an inappropriate time. My sense of humor tends to vary between dryly sarcastic and absurdly silly. I love telling funny stories about myself and people I know, since I can make what are already pretty ridiculous stories even more unbelievable. (“Have I told you about the time my father got into a fistfight with an ostrich?”)
I’m a bit of a loner-I don’t try to avoid being around people, it’s just that I’m not one of those people who dislike being alone. I’ve got more than enough going on in my head to keep me preoccupied; I want to write for a living, and I can’t remember a time I didn’t have a narrative or six playing out in my mind. This has come in handy as an only child, since I had to entertain myself. It also led to me being described creative and independent from an early age.
I’m also kind of socially awkward, though. I do the best I can, but I’m uncomfortable around most strangers and constantly second-guess myself and obsess over what people think of me. As you can imagine, my self-esteem could be better. I’m also one of those people who tend to open up slowly, so people just meeting me probably have a very different view of me than friends I’ve known for years. Those are the people I value really highly, though sometimes I’m not sure they know how much. I’m affectionate, but usually in a jokey way rather than straight forward. I think my friends know, though, that they can always turn to me for help.
Positive Traits: intelligent, witty, easy-going, independent, creative, compassionate
Negative Traits: weird, awkward, lazy, moody, impatient, short-tempered, shy, avoidant, two-faced, stubborn, suspicious, unforgiving
Hobbies and interests: I enjoy reading and writing, which sounds really boring to say. Mostly I enjoy science fiction and fantasy, especially comics. I look up to Neil Gaiman and Joss Whedon artistically, among many other awesome people. I love comedy and I’m a bit of a politics junky, so it goes without saying I love The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Obviously I love Bioware games except at the end, and I’ve got a few other games on my shelf, like Fallout, Portal, Oblivion, Skyrim, and many Pokemon games. I love musicals, especially silly ones; I adore Team Starkid, especially their Harry Potter musicals and Starship. I’ve also got a soft spot for things that are “so bad they’re good.” I enjoy laughing at them-or with them, in the case of ones who do it on purpose, like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which I love to dress up and see.
Dislikes: Math, looking stupid, strenuous physical activities, carbonated beverages, waiting for pretty much anything, being broke, running out of coffee, drama, broody types, cleaning anything, waking up, interacting with strangers, public presentations, willful ignorance, stuffiness, entitled behavior, prejudice, obligatory deference to tradition, and trying to get through an orange peel.
How are you described by others?: “That really tall, weird girl with lightsabers in her hair who keeps fiddling with her iPhone and grinning to herself.”
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Introverted, definitely.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? Hmm. I’d say a realist who wants to be an idealist? I have a strong ideals and try to live by them, but I don’t expect that from anyone else.
A leader or a follower? Really more of a loner, but when put in group situations I tend to take charge. I’m not against following a more qualified individual, however.
Cynical or trusting? Mostly cynical.
Mature or childish? I’ve been called both, but being childish is far more fun.
Independent or dependent? Independent. Unless there’s something I don’t want to do (like laundry), at which point I become suddenly needy and incompetent. I call it The Dad Ploy.
Cool or dorky? I strive at all times to be dorkily cool. That is, I do a lot of dorky things, but I try to do them with enough panache and confidence that they appear cool.
Careful or carefree? Depends on the situation, I reckon.
High, medium, or low energy? Mostly low, unless I’m having a fangirl moment or am absolutely bursting with caffeine. I rarely breach past medium, though.
Confident or modest? Usually modest, if not disparaging.
You've been offered a place in the Gray Wardens. It's obviously a very dangerous job with little comforts, but it comes with plenty of glory. How would you feel? Would you join? I would be tempted-especially by the elite nature of their ranks and implied assessment of my skills-but chances are I’d feel I have obligations I couldn’t forsake for them, such as family. If for some reason I didn’t have something holding me back, yeah, I’d probably join them. And regret it.
How would you describe your sense of humor? My sense of humor veers from sardonic to absurd, with a large dose of deadpan and filth. Influences include Monty Python, Blackadder, Eddie Izzard, Mel Brooks, Winston Churchill, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, Tina Fey, and the Whedonverse.
Your party's been ambushed by a rogue. After you defeat and interrogate him, he asks you to spare his life. You now have the option of letting him join you or killing him on the spot. What do you do?
Question his motives. I’m not going to make a decision like that without considering it fully. After all, I can’t discount a potential asset, but I also don’t want to keel over from poisoned stew that night. As much as I hate to say it, though (given how awesome Zevran turns out to be), unless I was given a really convincing argument I suspect I’d either kill him or drop him off with the closest town guards. If I let him join us, he could easily finish the job as soon as I let my guard down.
Do you think you'd enjoy ruling a kingdom? Regardless of whether you like it or not, do you think you'd be good at it?
You know, I think I’d rather enjoy it. It’s not even the riches and the respect (though those aren’t exactly downsides); I find politics and diplomacy interesting, and frankly I like being in charge. I want things done the way I think they should be. As for whether I’d be good…I like to think so. Generally speaking, I’m intelligent and would do my best to balance morality and realpolitik. If I was the queen of a particularly treacherous court like Orzammar I’d do my best to cultivate an extensive spy network; if it meant keeping a hold on my power (and life) and giving me the ability to do things such as improve life for the casteless and surfacers, I’d be perfectly happy to bribe and blackmail the deshyrs, though I doubt I’d ever go so far as Bhelen. ‘Cause…wow, bro.
Are you the type that would side with a friend even if you know that they're wrong?
Generally not. If something bad would happen to my friend without my support I probably would defend them, but if we’re just talking an argument or something I’d either refrain from getting involved or try to gently/humorously point out why I disagreed.
What are your thoughts on religion? I’m not a religious person. I usually identify as agnostic, because I believe religion is something that cannot be proven or disproven factually, though my own views tend towards secular humanism-being kind for the sake of being kind, basically. That said, however, I think religion had a positive role in creating civilized society (see Patton Oswalt’s “Sky Cake”) and that as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone you should be allowed to believe and practice anything you want. “Whatever gets you through the night,” if you will. In the realm of Thedas, I’d probably favor the dwarves’ way of thinking-not a literal belief in the Stone, but rather reverence of those who have achieved things for society.
There's a fighting couple and the man slaps the woman. What do you do?
It’s hard to say, since shock can freeze a person to the spot. I might charge over, a whirlwind of righteous rage, or I might hesitate to personally interfere and instead simply report him for domestic violence. It’s hard to say, but I’m certain I’d try to do something.
What are your thoughts about romance on your adventure? Should it be put on the back burner for the sake of the party? For your sake? My romantic luck is somewhat akin to a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, so me having a shot at love seems slightly more of a stretch than being faced with a quest to kill the archdemon. If I somehow found myself in that situation, however, no, I wouldn’t turn it aside for the sake of the party. Hell, romance may even strengthen your chances-it gives you something to fight for, to live for. It’s like Jolee said: “Love itself will save you, not condemn you.”
Even if I did for some reason convince myself I shouldn’t romance anyone, I’d still probably flirt with people, if only jokingly. (Think Varric and Hawke.)
Are there any characters you absolutely do not want to be voted as? (Limit to two characters) I don’t know; there are a lot of characters I don’t think I’m particularly like, but most wouldn’t offend me. I’d just find them baffling, you know? Suppose I wouldn’t be too thrilled at being stamped Loghain or Meredith.
Anything else you'd like to add? I think my computer glitched, so I hope I'm not posting this twice... :/
Link us to five unstamped applications you've voted on:
1. And I’ll be happy to vote again once I see another unstamped post <3 Woot!