Aw hell yeah

Aug 07, 2008 20:45

I was on the train home tonight dozing, and I got a wickid idea, inspired by the wumman sitting several seats in front of me...making a vaguely-familiar clackety-clack noise :)

So I got home and dug out my oul' knitting needles and a shedload of wool. We have weeeeird wool...I've got this stuff from when I was about 11, rainbow coloured and a little freaky...then there's this lovely stuff which goes from blue, to aquamarine, to turquoise, to full on green, and back again. There's also bright red, pumpkin orange, red-green-white (kept together for Christmas), and bright lime green. You could make a nu-rave sweater. That'd kick ass, in an odd way.

All I have to do now, is...learn again X_X but I'm going on holiday shortly, so depending on the weather I may get quite a bit done. If it's pissing it down there's not much you can do in a seaside town.

^__^ w00t!


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