По поводу того, насколько плодотворны оказались идеи Дарвина в науке, комментатор с не очень благозвучным ником HeKS
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It’s possible I was not as clear about my meaning as I should have been.
What I was trying to point out is that Darwin was inspired by artificial selection, and then when it came to Genetic / Evolutionary Algorithms, what they actually ended up modeling was artificial selection, not natural selection. So they ended up modeling the thing Darwin’s theory was inspired by rather than the theory itself.
That said, you’re right that as a purely historical issue they were inspired by Darwin’s theory. I guess what I would ask, though, is whether GAs would have failed to have ever been conceived of in the absence of Darwin’s theory about Natural Selection? Perhaps so. But given that they ultimately ended up modeling a process that had been around and known long before Darwin came on the scene, and given that Darwin made specific reference to that process (Artificial Selection) as his own inspiration, it seems rather questionable to me that Darwin’s theory about Natural Selection was a necessary condition for the eventual creation of GAs. That they happened to have been inspired by Darwin’s theory seems more like an historical accident than an historical necessity because, in the end, all the roads lead back to artificial selection. And if that’s the case, the creation of GAs really doesn’t give us much reason to disagree with Egnor’s assessment of the value of Darwinism to science as expressed in the OP.
Still, it was inaccurate for me to say that GA’s were inspired by artificial selection and you were correct in your statement about their inspiration. I should have said that it was Darwin who was inspired by artificial selection, while evolutionary and genetic algorithms ultimately modeled the thing that Darwin was inspired by (regardless of the fact that they were technically inspired by natural selection), making artificial selection the idea that was actually useful to science.
Take care
Смысл этой реплики вкратце сводится к тому, что Дарвин вдохновился идеей искусственного отбора в своих теоретических построениях. А генетические алгоритмы, несмотря на надпись на этикетке, моделируют именно то, что вдохновило Дарвина. Иногда говорят, что генетические алгоритмы были инспирированы идеями Дарвина, но это просто так исторически сложилось (с), объективной же связи в этом не усматривается. Именно идея искусственного отбора, по мнению комментатора, и оказалась плодотворной для науки, а вовсе не идеи Дарвина.
Ну, а я могу сказать только то, что я полностью согласен с предыдущим оратором...