May 25, 2010 21:40
I just got back from visiting my aunt C in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I went with my mom, my aunt M, and two of my cousins. While I really loved the scenery and white water rafting on the Rio Grande was really cool, I am NOT traveling with my family again! My aunt M, 1, acts like her two daughters are her best buddies, and in my opinion does her best to prevent them from forming serious relationships so that they don't LEAVEHEROMGZ. And 2, she is under the impression that I'm 7 years old. MAYBE 8.
It's not fair to paint her in this light, maybe, because she really does love me and care about me, but the combination of being excluded in favor of "her girls" and being mother henned to death for 4 days has me a little annoyed. I'm really unused to having an adult cut across me when I'm speaking as if what I'm saying doesn't matter, because really - I'm only a child! I am 30, and my two cousins are in their 20s, and we literally got called "the kids" pretty much the entire time.
Except by my aunt C, who seems okay with me being the age that I am. Sigh. What can you do with family? They'll never stop seeing you the way they want to see you. I wonder how they're going to reconcile when I start having kids. "Oh, she's just babysitting... that baby is someone else's..." etc etc. Next time I'm traveling with Dan or not at all. I don't like being separated, especially at night.
Santa Fe, though, is really beautiful. I can't wait to come back, and to see my aunt C again... just with someone else :D
I am really torn about the Cup Final. On the one hand, the Flyers make me want to vomit. On the other hand, while Chicago is an original six team, they have Hossa. Seeing Hossa win a Cup would be like having your husband divorce you because you couldn't conceive, and then watching him knock up the first skank he meets with triplets. Hmm. On the other other hand, he's only one man, and I think Chicago winning would be pretty awesome. Well, the Flyers are likely to thug it up if they start losing, so maybe Chicago can win, and Hossa can take a skate to the head. That would work for me.
It's disappointing to see racism coming out of The Last Airbender's casting directors. While the series has a lot of Asian themes, it was created in America and animated in Korea, and in my opinion the only characters that are obviously racially defined are the Water Tribe (Innuit... even though there are no native peoples of Antarctica). If they had just open-casted and ended up choosing the actors they did based on performance, that would be one thing - but specifically stating that Asian people don't have what it takes to connect to an American audience... shady. Very, very shady, M. Night. What, Americans would rather see Indian actors *coughDevPatelcough*? No way there could be bias in that direction! I dunno. I'll see it anyway, because I'm such a huge fan of the series, and everything I've read about this has been second-hand. But still, disappointing to see. If the movie makes it to a sequel, I hope they change the casting staff.
Two acquaintences of Dan and I (his best friend's sister and her boyfriend) just got engaged while on a vacation in Michigan... sounds familiar :) I don't really get along with them that well, but I wish them well and I'm glad they're finally engaged (they've been together a long time). However, the mean part of me hopes their wedding isn't as pretty as ours, especially if they set a date around the same time.
I'm a little blah about work right now - I just wish I could be permanently assigned. Maybe I'll feel better after my performance eval, which is scheduled for next month. I'm expecting it to go well. Of course, stating your expectations aloud is a good way to hear God laugh.
I think I'm the only one who isn't completely betrayed by Stevie going to Tampa. I'm really glad that he's getting the chance to be a GM, because he's not going to get it in Detroit any time soon. If it's his dream, and he has what it takes to be really good (and I hope he does), then this is a great opportunity and I'm really happy for him! I'll always cheer for you, Stevie.
Pam, you're missing things!