Help Vs Hurt, or why people need to think before they speak...

Sep 09, 2011 13:23

Ever notice that people try to be helpful, but instead you just want to punch them in the face? Ok... maybe I'm a tad more sensitive then the average person but I just find it incredibly annoying when people say things (I'm assuming in attempts to start conversations) that clearly to the person they're saying it to is kinda stupid..

For instance (and let me start by saying I love my mother), my mother called the other day to see how it's been going. I state things are alright, I'm just mostly concentrating on packing. She asks if we've found a place. The answer is no, but I need to pack either way - I still have to be out Oct 1st. My mother then feels the need to point out that there's less then a month for us to find a place. Really?? Jesus, so THATS how the calendar works... Seriously, I know she's trying to help... but I'm really quite aware of how time works and I have just enough stress on my plate already. It's not that I'm not looking, but it doesn't exactly help when 90% of places that say they're renting aren't really renting but taking applications for their year+ long wait list. Helpful!!

Another instance is my bfs mother (Mothers I know try to mean well, they really do). She calls last night, offers that the cats and I can stay with her if we don't find a place. This line of thinking is really starting to get to me. My bf, his mother, his boss, some of our friends.. they're all coming up with these "if you don't find a place" plans... We have no need for these plans. Yes, time is running out, but it's not exactly like there is literally no where to rent. I'm saying FUCK YOU to these back up plans! The way I look at it, worst case senario, we move into a place we don't like, see if we can sign a 6 month lease (a lot of places are doing this now), and keep looking / put ourselves on some of the waitlists for the townhouses we like. Yea.. I know moving sucks ass, and I freakn hate it, but you know what.. I'd rather just move for 6 months to a less then desirable place, keep everything we don't need for that time packed (I can live without my books and cd cases and summer clothes and boardgames and whatever else really) and keep looking, then move into someone elses house as a guest for who-knows-how-long. Plus.. all of these places I would be "staying" are a few hours away from where I'm looking for a place. Not exactly helpful.

The way I look at things is I can only do what I can do. I'm packing things I likely won't need for awhile first and we're moving them into a storage locker for now (my condo is tiny, having boxes everywhere isn't helping the situation). I'm looking at online posting every couple hours and calling and emailing daily. I'm arranging viewing for what I can for the bf to look at (we're looking to rent by his work, where I am not), and I'm breathing. Breathing, I realized yesterday after a minor meltdown, is pretty important.

Oh, phones ringing, rants over for now!
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