
Dec 14, 2021 17:52

So I found my capoeira and career journal first (@poesia02) and now I found this one. I think there is one more private journal I have here as well.

I'm so glad I documented things in writing and still have access to them. There's so much that was lost to time or to fires or to trauma and it's refreshing to see I kept writings online for me to read and unlock memories of.

What is happening now? I don't feel like typing it again, I really don't. All I will say is I'm 40 now. No kids as far as I know (some weird body things have been happening as of late and I'm way too early for things to stop according to my doctors, I got a good 10 years left before my body starts the grand slow down).

Love life: seeing someone I have liked since I was a child. Don't worry he was a child too, a year younger in fact. We finally friggin connected. It's nice, not what I quite expected but we both have taken some journeys in life and now at the reflective and self-forgiving stages. I hope it continues to go well.

Career wise? I got promoted to Appeals and Grievance wing of my job. We deal in the medical field. Some days I feel fully in control. Other days I am like that dog dressed up as a construction worker saying "I have no idea what I am doing!" But the pay is good. I live in the suburbs of Detroit. Life is wonderful. Doing more spiritual work. I can't complain. Oh and finally got a car. On my second car, a drunk driver hit me on Christmas Eve about 4 years ago. Wow, it's been that long. Time is quickly going. Enjoy every moment of it.

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