Randomly miserable.
Laid out in my yard for a while...my brother and his friend got into a hose-fight, at which point I decided to go back into the house.
Almost puked before (like 3 times) -- BUT DIDN'T!! AT ALL!!! :-D
Getting off of effexor SUCKS...I honestly don't understand how this crap is legal. Michelle wants a lawsuit. Paxil withdrawal
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Sorry I didn't mean to be sarcastic and bitchy, but if one more person tells me to "just stop taking them," I might have to cut them because it's just not that fucking easy.
If you don't believe me then google "effexor withdrawal" or go to http://www.quitpaxil.org/ -- this is a really big problem that drug companies need to 'fess up to BEFORE they get people addicted to their drugs and the false hopes that come with them.
Sorry, i didn't mean to sound like a bitch. I'm very volatile lately...
You know I love you, though, 'mez...Best wishes to you and your mommy and i hope I see you soon <3
Difficult Mac 4 lyfe, yo
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