...it *really* happens. It's been a long time since my last post (months?), I'm so sorry for not keeping up with everyone! I have been busy with life and when not absorbed in that, I've been playing ME3 and reading Shep/Kaidan and just generally wishing I could be a space marine :)
Parkour and martial arts classes are hopefully giving me super-hero like abilities, in addition to putting on a little muscle and losing a bit of fat.
Have you seen the
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn trailer? It looks SO BADASS AMAZING. I literally had a nerdgasm. I mean, I haven't been this excited for anything since ME3 released.
Also, thank you SDCC for the
Deadpool: The Game trailer.
Finally, excited about PAX next month. I will take ALL THE PICTURES of awesome Mass Effect cosplays and generally be a complete stalker-fangirl.
Oh, and, we bought a house? So yeah, LIFE. *hand-flailing*
Hope everyone is doing well!