Sticky Post: Fannish Masterlist

Sep 28, 2018 15:58

Most of my major fannish creations. More odds and ends (aka very old fic) can be found via the Tags. Will be updated regularly.

Most recent vids listed first. Fic is arranged by fandom.

if any links are down, please let me know and I'll be happy to reupload. NOTE: Some download links may be down, but this will be remedied soon. Streaming links still work.

Jungle (my head is a ...)
Sherlock/John [Sherlock BBC]
I'm complicated you won't get me I have trouble understanding myself, understanding myself. My head is a jungle, jungle.
Sherlock is complicated. Angst, romance, friendship.

Raise Your Weapon
Erik/Charles [X-Men: First Class]
Erik and Charles, and the many things that tear them apart.

Burn My Shadow
Sam/Kevin/Clu [Tron: Legacy]
Burn my shadow away.

Afraid of Americans
Ensemble [Watchmen]
Heroes are not infallible. Dark, flawed, and human.

Maybe Tomorrow
Rush/Young [Stargate Universe]
About Rush on the Destiny and the developing relationship between him and Col. Young.

In Your Room
Sam/Dean [Supernatural]
I'm hanging on your words, living on your breath, feeling with your skin. Will I always be here?

Desperate Guys
Van/Deaq [Fastlane]
Van and Deaq are partners. They're also kind of desperate for each other.

Kirk/Spock [Star Trek XI]
Whether it's now or later, I've got you, I've got you on my radar.

Bruce, Batman/Joker [The Dark Knight, Batman Begins]
What drives Bruce Wayne/Batman?

Your Joy is My Low
Batman/Joker [The Dark Knight]
The abusive/unhealthy/mildly psychotic would-be relationship of Batman (Bruce)/Joker.

Michael Johns/David Cook [American Idol S7]
Is he falling for a heartbreaker?

Let Go
Jack/everybody, Jack/Ianto [Torchwood]
Jack, the past, the present, and how hard it is to let go.

Sam/Dean [Supernatural]
Centered around WIAWSNB and AHBL. Dean wishes things were different, but this is the road he and Sam must take.

In This Together
Sam/Dean [Supernatural]
Dean and Sam are in this together (“you and me against the world”).

Here I've only included what I felt where the most complete pieces of fiction. Drabbles, ficlets, and older works are omitted but can be found via the Tags, or better yet check my 'Memories'.


Sometimes I'm Crazy For You
[Arthur/Eames, PG]
Excessive fluff and schmoop.

Let's Not Pretend
[Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Tom Hardy, real-person fic]
Joe pines a lot. Tom flies in for a visit.


Give Me What I Want
[Sam/Dean, PG-13]
Dean has been wanting for a long time. Sam is ready to give.

The Night Starts Here
[Sam/Dean, NC-17]
Kitchen, sun, Dean, flecks of gold.

If hope...
[Sam/Dean, PG-13]
If hope is a dangerous hole, will you join me? Dean’s foot on the gas never lets up until the full moon has disappeared into a brightening sky and his eyes are drooping shut.

Untitled - evil!Sam fic
[Sam/Dean, NC-17]
Dean comes back from the bar one night, two-forty in his pocket in dirty, crumpled twenties from playing pool (and he wasn’t even trying), and finds the line of salt in the doorway broken, the lights off, and a shadow in the form of Sam sitting on the far bed.

A Small Plot of Land
[Sam/Dean, PG-13]
It was the last thing Dean thought he’d be doing.

Untitled - SPN/Dark Angel crossover
[Sam/Alec, R]
He’d say “transgenic” and you’d nod and smile like you knew what he meant when all you saw and heard was “Dean.”

Star Trek XI

Shore Leave
[Kirk/Spock, PG-13]
Jim gets drugged, and the truth comes out. Pre-slash, UST.


We Should Stop Meeting Like This
[Batman/female!Joker, PG-13]
They're a match made in hell.

Birds of Prey

Your Shield, Your Clarity
[Barbara Gordon/Helena Kyle, PG]
What friends are for.

American Idol season 7

A Work in Progress
[David Cook/David Archuleta, PG-13]
That morning, David woke up early.

How Many Words - sequel to A Work in Progress
[David Cook/David Archuleta, PG-13]
There are some big, gaping holes along the way to happily ever after.

For the Nights I Can't Remember - sequel to How Many Words
[David Cook/David Archuleta, PG-13]
Making up for lost time.

Stargate SG-1/SGA

Growing Roots
[Sheppard/Mitchell, R]
One possible way John ends up earthside.

Stargate: Universe

In Good Company
[Young/Rush, PG]
Slightly AU, takes place before the episode 'Justice'. For cerebel, Yuletide exchange.


Dashboard Confessional
[Bumblebee/Sam, NC-17]
Things are better in the flesh. Bumblebee has never understood the saying better than he does now.

Devil May Cry

Ice Like Fire
[Dante/Vergil, PG-13]
Ice like fire. The heat of it burned through Dante’s chest like a living thing, eating its way out.

[implied Dante/Vergil, PG]
Wherein Dante and Vergil are younger and live under the same roof.

[Dante/Vergil, PG-13]
Dante takes things that are not his.


[Clark/Lex, PG-13]
“I wish you felt the way that I still do.”

Band of Brothers

Down at the Lake
[Winters/Nixon, PG-13]
A quiet moment down at the lake.

[Winters/Nixon, PG]
Bastogne was like a nightmare turned real. Wintersnixon fluff.

[Winters/Nixon, PG-13]
I wasn’t always like this - happy, at peace. There were moments in my life when I thought the bottle was the only way out.

A Not-So Random Excursion
[Winters/Nixon, NC-17]
Nighttime in a room, just an ordinary, nameless room in New Jersey, two ordinary men in the dark, talking softly.


[Mulder/Krycek, PG-13]
Post-colonization, is there still hope?

Letter To Alex
[Mulder/Krycek, PG-13]
Post-colonization, does what is says on the tin.

[Mulder/Krycek, PG-13]
Deathficlet. Mulder is having a weird and trippy day.

To Wish Impossible Things
[Mulder/Krycek, PG-13]
Wherein Krycek angsts, takes a road trip, becomes a pyro, and wishes impossible things.

[Mulder/Krycek, PG-13]
AU, takes place after ‘Existence’. A peace, understanding, and a smidgen of love.

[Mulder/Krycek, PG-13]
Alex visits during the night.

Hard Core Logo

[Billy/Joe, R]
He takes the pictures on grainy film so the end results always look old and faded. He doesn’t know why, but it feels more real this way, personal.

Boondock Saints

This Drink's For You
[Connor/Murphy, R]
Connor is this close - this fucking close - to slapping his brother upside the head, wrestling him to the floor, tying him up and gagging him and then shooting him in the face because goddamn the boy is a messy, messy drunk.

[Connor/Murphy, NC-17]
Connor can be a bitch when he wants to be.

The Comforts of Home
[Connor/Murphy, PG-13]
It should hurt, but it doesn’t. He takes the punch without a sound, without protest, and the sting left by Connor’s fist wraps around his cheek like a warm terrycloth, dipped in acid.

In Silence
[Connor/Murphy, PG-13]
A little piece of frost and a little bit of heartache.

Under False Pretense
[Connor/Murphy, PG-13]
Connor has the paper in his hands and the words are stated plainly in black and white, clear as night and day, so that even in his current state of shock, the important things penetrate his otherwise numb mind.

Smelling the Flowers
[Connor/Murphy, PG-13]
Twenty-seven years with his brother, eight of those he spent in silent question. Some feelings are acceptable, and others not.

[Connor/Murphy, NC-17]
Camped out in the Texas wilds are Connor and Murphy, wearing sandals with velcro straps, thin cotton tee shirts and khaki shorts, while sitting in front of a small and sputtering fire.

Starting Point
[Connor/Murphy, R]
Connor’s fingers itched for a cigarette.

[Connor/Murphy, R]
It’s gritty in Seattle, the horizon a bleak line of gray in the mid-morning light.

Sports Night

Losing to Win
[Dan/Casey, PG]
“My secretary says you’re avoiding me.” Dan Rydell was quick and smooth in his attempt at swerving around and in front of his partner, Casey McCall.

Circus People
[Dan/Casey, PG]
Danny came into their office with his face between the pages of the newspaper. “There’s a traveling circus in town from Siberia.” He announced.

if any links are down, please let me know and I'll be happy to reupload. NOTE: Currently a few download links are down, but this will be remedied soon.

Cowboys Lost At Sea OST
Kirk/McCoy (Star Trek XI)

In the Shadow of Your Heart
Dean/Castiel (Supernatural) - contains S4 spoilers

Almost Lover
David Cook/David Archuleta (American Idol season 7)

Every Little Thing
Sam/Dean (Supernatural)

Your Lights Are (Out Or) Burning Badly
Sam/Dean (Supernatural)

Set the Fire: My Black, Black Heart
General mix. Rock, industrial.

Two Step
General mix. Hip-hop, pop, dance.

General mix. Techno, dance, ambient, industrial.


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