Update on the video - I'm almost finished! 3/4 of the way finished. WOW. I'm not 100% satisfied with it thus far, but that's what I need your help for! Is there anyone who'd like to take a look at it once I've finished and let me know if there's something missing, something I should change, etc.? Basically, a video beta.
I hope there won't be too many problems with compressing it to a smaller file later on.
Also, I'm way behind on my friends list. You guys are so prolific! I'm trying to read everything but the fic is like coming out of ya'll's ears I swear.
Also, got the new Bloc Party album. WOOT!
ALSO - bought
Nightlife and
Moonshine by Rob Thurman and I just have to show you an excerpt from the very first page because OMG
It was the touch of a warmer liquid on my fingers that let me know differently. It was blood. My blood. I tightened my hand over the one that held the knife handle. The blood covered both of our hands, his and mine. He had actually done it...stabbed me. Not that this was the crazy part. It wasn't, not by a long shot. No, the crazy part, the howling-at-the-moon madness bit was that he had tried so hard to avoid it. But wasn't that my brother all over? Honest, loyal, all but rolling in integrity. Too good for his own good. But, hell, in the end, too good for my own good as well.
-Nightlife, Rob Thurman
Bolded words are my doing.
YES. The book starts out that way. LIKE, OMG. Who's going to go get this book right away and read it with me and discuss huh? We can point out all the similarities between it and SPN, though I'm sure it's an excellent read regardless. I first heard about this book at Revelcon from one of the ladies that attended in an SPN panel.