KAT-TUN world!!~

Feb 13, 2011 21:32

Um.. sebenarnya cik bunny dah lama xguna Livejournal untuk blogging or utk posting...selalu guna FB ajer.. but since cerita KAT-TUN nih panjang and nak paste gambar2.. so here I am!!~

KAT-TUN terdiri daripada 6 orang jejaka dibawah naungan Johnny's Entertainment yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2001, tetapi dorg nih xdebut macam NEWS and artist2 JE yg lain. Walaupun xdebut group nih dapat attention yg sgt hebat.. even dorang punya fanclub lebih ramai dari artist2 yg dah debut.. Mula2 dorg nih just diformkan untuk jadi back dancer Domoto Koichi(Kinki Kids) punya program, saya xingat dah apa ntah nama program tuh.. but then disebabkan ramai sgt peminat mereka.. mereka pun debut pada tahun 2006 dengan lagu REAL FACE!!~ Selepas dari debut dorang.. xde satu pun lagu release dorang yg xdapat no 1 dalam oricon chart.. sume release album/single/digital single.. sume dapat no 1.. begitu lah hebatnya kumpulan KAT-TUN nih... owh lupa plak..

Nama KAT-TUN nih adalah berdasarkan initial dorang.. 
K - Kamenashi Kazuya lebih dikenali dgn nama panggilan kame-chan.. dan hanya dipanggil kazu oleh Jin
      Akanishi.. dia punya so called best friend.. nanti cerita pasal dia ngan lebih lanjut kan bahagian biodata
      kat bawah tuh...
A - Akanishi Jin, nickname Jin (former KAT-TUN) skunk nih dia dah bukan KAT-TUN.. TT__TT seday..
T - Taguchi Junnosuke, pak lawak dalam group nih.. agak baka baka sket.. and yg paling tinggi
T - Tanaka Koki, gengster and rapper, orang panggil dia koki je..
U - Ueda Tatsuya, nama panggilan Tat-chan oleh orang2 yg terdekat and ueda oleh fans2, popular sebab 
      dia ialah gackt wanabe.. minat sgt ngan gackt tuh..
N - Nakamaru Yuichi, orang panggil nakamaru jer.. dia nih hebat beatbox, and bila dia nyanyi.. pergh..
      suara xsama macam yg bercakap.. pelik kan??

p/s : disebabkan Jin akanishi dah withdraw daripada KAT-TUN pada tahun 2010, KAT-TUN, sepatutnya dah xde A kan... tapi atas perbincangan and idea daripada Kame-chan.. dorang ganti A sebagai KA.. initial untuk KAmenashi, and sebab dia ketua so dorg pun setuju.. so skunk ni.. KA untuk Kame, T untuk Taguchi, T untuk Tanaka koki, U untuk Ueda, N untuk Nakamaru... dah jadi 5 orang!!~ Korang faham ke nih?? hehe


DOB : 23 Feb 1986
Tempat Lahir : Edogawa, Tokyo
Siblings : Anak ke-3 dari 3 adik bradik, ada 2 abang, 2 kakak ipar and sorang anak sedara
Enter Johnny's Ent : 12 tahun
Career :
Singer (KAT-TUN & former Unit of Shuji to Akira with Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi)
Actor : Nobuta wo Produce, Gokusen season 2 etc (even received several award for it), since 2005.
TV host : Cartoon KAT-TUN (ended on march 2010)
Producer & Composer : Kizuna(Gokusen 2 OST), Seishun amigo (Nobuta wo produce OST) & etc. he used a nickname K2 untuk sume lyric & lagu yg dia compose..
Radio host : Nippon Cultural broadcasting 
Sport Caster : Going Sports and NEWS
Model : EVISU etc

* Mula2 Kame nih xminat langsung ngan dunia hiburan.. dia lebih suka sports and main ngan kawan2 dia and have a normal live.. tapi dia terpaksa g audition pada tahun 1998 sebab nama dia disubmitkan oleh sedara dia... keke...
* Nama Kazuya nih diambil sempena comic/manga "touch", dalam manga nih kame ada sorang kembar nama Tatsuya. So secara kebetulan Ueda Tatsuya pun dinamakan sempena comic/manga Touch. and secara kebetulan jugak kame and ueda diformkan dalam satu group.. So disebabkan itu, kame sangat menjaga tat-chan, macam jaga adik sendri padahal tatchan lebih tua.. sapa pun xleh kacau tat-chan or buli tat-chan.. kalau nak jugak langkah mayat kame dulu.. hehehe
* Tahun 2005, kame start berlakon drama, and form unit group called shuji to akira. Masa nih sangat kecoh. KAT-TUN marah ngan kame sebab kononnya mengabaikan KAT-TUN <-- rumors
* Kame sangat rapat ngan Jin, walaupun dia xtermasuk dgn group (ryo, jin, pi & yuu), dia mmg sgt rapat ngan jin, orang start buat speculation yg kame is bi-sexual... and in year 2008 kot.. kalau xsalah.. dia admit yg dia mmg bi-sexual.. dgn jin kah??? itu xdapat dipastikan.. tapi.. masa tahun 2006, he lose weight sangat bnyak sampai berat dia 43kg jer.. masa tu jin fly g LA kononnya nak sambung blajar english.. and tinggal group kat KAME...

DOB : 4 July 1984
Tempat Lahir : Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Siblings : Anak sulung dari dua bradik, ada sorang adik laki.
Enter Johnny's Ent : 1998
Career :
Singer (KAT-TUN - former, solo-debut in LA in 2010)
Actor : Gokusen season 2 & etc
Song writer : his solo & etc
TV host : Cartoon KAT-TUN
Radio host : KAT-TUN style

* Failed audition tahun 1998, tapi dia tunggu sebab nak pulangkan sesuatu kat someone, but turns out that someone is Johnny-san, so Johnny trus terima dia.
* best friend with yamapi, which connect him to ryo-chan and shirota yuu.. so dorg skunk jadik BFF, selain dari tuh.. best friend dia ialah kazuya!!~
* suspension from KAT-TUN, year 2006 utk g sambung blajar kat LA, balik selepas 6 bulan kemudian and resume as KAT-TUN, tapi again on year 2010, he announced that dia nak keluar dari KAT-TUN and debut as solo international artist, left KAT-TUN without A initial and have to make Kazuya put his 2nd initial as a replacement.
* pernah colabborate ngan ueda untuk lagu Butterfly!! <--- lagu fav nih!!

DOB : 29 November 1985
Tempat lahir : Kanagawa, Japan
Siblings : 3older sister and one brother
Enter Johnny's : 1998
Career :
Singer : KAT-TUN
Actor : Yukan club, hanayome to papa & etc
TV host : cartoon KAT-TUN
radio host : KAT-TUN style
dancer : Dream boy

* lebih dikenali ngan nama Junno, so called the dirty junno. umm.. xtahu bnyak sangat pasal junno.. huhu.. gomenne...
*game freak.. mmg asyk main game je.. tanya lah game apa pun.. gerenti dia tahu!!~ sangat suka ngan game.... video game tau.. or PSP ke.. cm tu la game game yg dia suka...
* he is the comedian in KAT-TUN, known of his bakaness and ke-pending-an yg amat!!~
* always being paired with ueda tatsuya, since akanishi will be with kamenashi, nakamaru and koki.
* the tallest of all KAT-TUN with height 182cm <-- hoho... kira tinggi nih bagi japanese...

DOB : 5 November 1985
Tempat lahir : Chiba, Japan
Enter Johnny's : 1998
Career :
Singer (KAT-TUN - the rapper)
Actor (Byakkotai, Tatta hitotsu no koi, My boss my hero & etc)
TV host : cartoon KAT-TUN

* most of the rap part in their song is written by Koki himself!~
* hampir-hampir meninggalkan KAT-TUN and JE before KAT-TUN held their first concert.. tapi berubah fikiran selepas KAT-TUN punya concert.. terharu ngan fans agaknyer..
* sangat creative.. pandai illustrate and lukis.. hampir semua barang and logo is illustrated by koki.. dia suka ubah suai dia punya pakaian and kasut and etc...
* Combine with Nakamaru and build their own sub comedic pair of KAT-TUN as TaNaka!!~ Ta from tanaka and Naka from Nakamaru

DOB : 4 october 1983
Tempat lahir : Saitama, Japan
Career :
Singer : KAT-TUN
Composer : he composed ai no hana, love  in snow, butterfly
lyric writter : love in snow, ai no hana, butterfly, GOLD, Leciel & etc
musician : plays piano and guitar well and sometimes play in KAT-TUN concerty and also played in his solo concert
TV host : cartoon KAT-TUN
muzical : romeo & Juliette

*First of all, I love him!!! <--- ada kena mengena kah?? pasal ueda panjang sket!! sebab!! I love him so much!! banyak nak cerita nih!!~
* Nicknamed : as uebo by kame, uepi or tat-chan by other KAT-TUN member, ueda by fans, hime by Nishikido Ryo...
*He is popular because his so called image changed, he changed image with the surrounding people and he changed image by his current interest but stick to one idol which is gackt!!~ at first he is popular because of his shyness and his pale-ness and his snow white skin. but then being popular despite his mysterious side and fragile side and now being popular because of his strong side and boxer side...
* he sees fairies <--- believe me!! he do!! hahah
* macam pelik je kan.. tb2 part ueda ckp english.. ok.. sambung balik.. dia suka main gitar, piano, basketball, suka shopping, suka rock music, and suka slow ballad at the same time, dia suka dolphin, suka macam comic dalam bathtub, suka boxing, suka older girl but are not too good with girls too, suka english and french <-- sbb gackt pun study english and french..
* owh lupa plak.. dia former leader of KAT-TUN, pastu dia xnak jadi leader dah.. so dia pass it to kame.
*The only member of KAT-TUN yg xberlakon but taking musical recently as the romeo in romeo & juliette
*In his childhood, he once witness a men being killed, he went to all boys school and are very allergic to girls school.. keke.. he also has his schedule since he is a child.. one class after one class after school time.. piano, guitar, english etc and his favourite subject is history.
* He is bestfriend with kamenashi and kamenashi really look out for him as a brother... when the period he is in war with ryo nishikido, kame once warned ryo to not speak up like that to ueda again, he also explained to ryo that tatsuya is fragile and easily taken backed by what others said. So beware if you wanna attack ueda.. he got kame.. hehe.. he is also close to nakamaru outside celebrities life... Kame also wish that Ueda will once have his solo concert before their debut : and the wish is granted.. ueda had his solo in 2009!!~
* He got an enemy, Ryo Nishikido, Ryo who is popular with his sharp tounge once attack Ueda on shounen club and even once said he hates ueda the most but to the real life, when people ask ryo to comment on his behavior towards ueda.. he explained.. that is his way of asking.. and he actually didnt meant to put it in mean way.. he was actually curious about ueda and his personalities changed and also the fairies things.. now they already in peace but still.. ryo constantly will tease ueda.. and he called ueda as his princess <-- because ueda got kame as his guard and he is so white, and also he complaints alot.. basically he is not prince since he got lots of feminine side..
* He keep on growing beautifully, and now he is losing all his old traits, such as pale skin and fragile look by boxing, he eats alot to gain weight, he build 6 packs, he tanned his skin and become the strong ueda. no longer the princess ryo once claimed..

DOB : 4 Sept 1983
Tempat Lahir : Tokyo, Japan
Career :
Singer (KAT-TUN)
Actor : Resque & etc
Special Talent : Beatbox
TV Host : Cartoon KAT-TUN

* He is the peacelover, he is the one who stopped the fight if they are fighting, once akanishi jin and kamenashi  kazuya fight and yelling at each other(rumors said it is because jin going to LA for his study year 2006) and nakamaru locked both of them in one room until they make up again and understand each other.
* Since he is not good in fashion, he shopping in a weird way, he will follow the people who dressed well and follow them to the shop they are going then only he shop.. keke
* Si nakamaru nih close with Ueda nad also Koki, outside KAT-TUN dia rapat ngan Koyama Koichiro(NEWS), and dorang popular sebab mulut dorang yg xberhenti bercakap.
* Nakamaru jugak popular sebab air liur dia yang suka menyembur, selain tue dia nyanyi gunakan suara yg lain dari yang dia bercakap..


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