Mar 25, 2008 16:47
I'm sitting here at work trying to finish up a few things, but I just lack the motivation. Completely. So, I thought I'd update...
It's been a whirlwind of activity these past few weeks with Easter, Suzi's visit, a Wiggles concert, and just the everyday stuff. I forgot that the seasons changed and we're now into Spring. Or so the calendar says. Portland likes to think it's still in the middle of winter - with some snow expected tomorrow. I can't tell you how much our Disneyland trip in the next few weeks will brighten my mood and bring out my freckles. 75 and sunny? I can't even imagine. But first, we have to get through the next few weeks of Jer traveling and me traveling and hopefully Emily containing her Disneyland excitement long enough for us to actually get there.
Of course what occupies most of my thoughts is a new baby. Yep, that's right - I'm FINALLY pregnant. I'm just shy of 10 weeks, but feel like I'm showing at 20. People say that you show much quicker your second time around, but this much? Now I'm really paranoid that it's twins. But seriously - and maybe TMI for some of you - we tried for a long time to give Emily a sibling and just when I started to lose hope, BAM. They say nature works that way. And just for kickers, my due date is right at Emily's birthday - October 24th. But I'm hoping that she won't have to share. I'll either keep my legs closed or push really hard to ensure that doesn't happen. Because really, who wants to share their birthday?
My first check-up has come and gone, but that was nothing exciting. My next appt. is April 11th and that's when we'll get to hear the heartbeat and have the first ultrasound. We'll be taking Emily with us - we haven't even told her yet. I want it to be something tangible for her. We can't wait to see how she'll react.