Apr 01, 2005 04:39
joshmilliken2001: do you know who wyler is??
pikitheshaman: *is drawing a blank* No, why?
Who are you?!
joshmilliken2001: just wondering
pikitheshaman: Who are you?
joshmilliken2001: i'm joshmilliken2001 nice to meet you
joshmilliken2001: who are you
pikitheshaman: Uh... wait! Do you go to my
joshmilliken2001: i don't know
pikitheshaman: *has been gettinf IMs from
random people ALL DAY!!! x_X*
joshmilliken2001: X_x
pikitheshaman: *getting
pikitheshaman: What's your real name?
joshmilliken2001: i'm just a person wandering the globe
wondering who wyler is
joshmilliken2001: my name is richard
joshmilliken2001: but people call me joshmilliken2001
pikitheshaman: *sweatdrop*
pikitheshaman: Are you also known as
Ricardo, outta curiousity?
joshmilliken2001: why are you perspiring
joshmilliken2001: no
joshmilliken2001: i don't think i look like a doggone mexican
pikitheshaman: A sweatdrop is an anime
thing. And Ricardo ISN'T MEXICAN!! Uh...
joshmilliken2001: oh
pikitheshaman: Where the hell did you get my
joshmilliken2001: i'm not cuban then
pikitheshaman: Nor is Ricardo.
joshmilliken2001: random
joshmilliken2001: oh
joshmilliken2001: what is ricardo, then
joshmilliken2001: and does he know anything about wyler
pikitheshaman: I DON'T KNOW!!!
joshmilliken2001: oh
joshmilliken2001: well you're the one who brought up wyler
pikitheshaman: Where did you get my frickin'
joshmilliken2001: or i mean ricardo
joshmilliken2001: i brought up wyler
joshmilliken2001: i got it randomly
pikitheshaman: *growls* Tell me or I'll kill you.
joshmilliken2001: i got it while looking for wyler
pikitheshaman: WHERE!? *grabs your shirt
collar* I'm sick of boys IMing me!!
joshmilliken2001: are you racist against boys?
pikitheshaman: I'm starting to seriously dislike
pikitheshaman: NO!!
joshmilliken2001: i don't think i need to know about your
leaning towards lesbianism
joshmilliken2001: i was just looking for wyler
joshmilliken2001: or stuff about wyler at least
pikitheshaman: *anime fall* Uh.. by any
chance did you get my sn from
joshmilliken2001: who is mewheart? i will go talk to that
person and see if he knows anything about wyler
pikitheshaman: *anime fall* IT'S NOT A
joshmilliken2001: an alien then?
joshmilliken2001: ???
pikitheshaman: Just tell me where...
joshmilliken2001: i got it from looking for wyler
pikitheshaman: WHERE IS THAT!?!?!?!?
joshmilliken2001: i was looking for wyler on aim
pikitheshaman: So had did you find my sn
then? Just typed it in randomly?
joshmilliken2001: no
joshmilliken2001: it popped up and i was overjoyed
joshmilliken2001: because it might have led me to the answer
about wyler
pikitheshaman: *anime fall*
joshmilliken2001: but apparently it led me to some lesbian
joshmilliken2001: sorry
pikitheshaman: I'M NOT LESBIAN!!!! *anime
joshmilliken2001: well you said you hate boys
joshmilliken2001: and unless you are one you probably are
pikitheshaman: NO I DIDN"T!!!!
joshmilliken2001: stop making no sense gee whiz
joshmilliken2001: i just was looking for wyler
pikitheshaman: *anime fall* I HAVE A B/F!!!
pikitheshaman: DAMMIT!!! I'M NOT LEZ!!!
joshmilliken2001: do you hate your boyfriend
pikitheshaman: NO!!!!!!!
pikitheshaman: Hey. What's your ASL? *total
change of heart o0*
joshmilliken2001: i dont have asl
joshmilliken2001: i have dialup
pikitheshaman: AGE!!!! SEX (gender)!!!!
pikitheshaman: As in I'm 13/F/Marik's Hideout
joshmilliken2001: my dad says i'm not allowed to tell
pikitheshaman: *anime fall*
pikitheshaman: YOU ARE WEIRD!!!
joshmilliken2001: no i'm not i think i'm normal
joshmilliken2001: now direct me to this mewheart thing
joshmilliken2001: so i can find out if it knows anything about
pikitheshaman: I already know your gender,
and I can guess your age pretty easily.
joshmilliken2001: sure
joshmilliken2001: but i can't tell you myself because dad says
pikitheshaman: And your location is no prob.
joshmilliken2001: he don't trust the net
joshmilliken2001: what country is marik's hideout in
pikitheshaman: Anyways, I gotta go. I'm sorry,
I don't know this wyler guy.
joshmilliken2001: i never heard of it
pikitheshaman: It's in Japan.
joshmilliken2001: cool
joshmilliken2001: that doesn't really sound japanese with the
word hideout in it and all but sitll that is pretty cool
pikitheshaman: Did you warn me!?
joshmilliken2001: what? warn you?
joshmilliken2001: how did i do that
pikitheshaman: No idea.
pikitheshaman: I REALLY gotta go, bye.
joshmilliken2001: me neither, i didn't say anything mean
joshmilliken2001: ok bye