Mar 18, 2006 18:50
Life is still going wonderful. I feel so good lately, well, that isn't entirely true, my emotions are still alllll over the place. Apparently I should have my emotions under control by the time I'm 21, maybe. I hope so. Ah well, it really doesn't matter either way as I have no real complaints. If anything goes wrong at this point in my day, I'll just ignore it. Nobody can ruin this happy buzz.
Once again I have little to nothing to say. It seems as though if something isn't going wrong I have nothing to talk about, sad but true. Of course, life is never perfect but I'm just not in the mood to bitch. In fact, I made a decision today. Because people seem to take it so personally, I'm never going to bitch without a genuine reason again. I used to enjoy a good complaining session but I'm just too happy. I'm running out of things to complain about.
I pierced a gentlemans labret today. That went well, he was really nice. Kind of gormless looking but a genuinely nice guy. Lee is working on his only 2nd tattoo of the day right now. His noon appointment rebooked for tomorrow so Lee got to chill the first couple of hours of the day. It wasn't exactly a relaxing start to the day but apparently he got a lot of his chest. I tried to stay out of it and I Think I did a good job. It's tough working with your friends especially when you don't see them outside of work. YOu find that you act more like friends in the workplace because you have no other time to get that part of your relationship out so to speak. It's alright though.
Jeff and I had a pillow fight in The Lab, it didn't last long, he bear hugged me and won the title. Jeffs the shit. He always puts in an effort to understand when something is wrong, he doesn't dismiss it. He's a keen listener and an all around fun loving guy. You can always tell when somethings wrong with him because he doesn't have his goofy grin.
My sister was in for Work Experience today too. IT's hard finding work for her to do when I can't even find work for me to do. I brought my astrology books in to the shop so that I can read if I get really bored. Maybe I'll delve into the minds of some of my coworkers. Lee I have researched a lot, same with myself but Jeff and Devon I haven't really bothered with just yet. I've covered some of the basics and stopped with that.
I might be going to England, yay. Everyone supports my decision. I REALLY REALLY want Lee to come but then there is the issue of the shop. I want to go for at least 2 weeks. I don't want to go without him becuase I'll miss him like mad. But if we go together chances are we'll have to close the shop. I guess that's okay though, everyone needs a vacation at some point in time. I'll pitch the idea to Lee, it isn't too expensive to go there. Just over $800 for the flight (there and back and each) and then we have lodging already and all we need is cash for food, booze and merchandise. We make enough money, it sounds feasible to me. But then there is the fact that we desperately need to move out soon. IT's getting way too cramped staying with Lee's folks and I feel more and more like a sponge every day.
Ah well, all will be sorted in good time.
I love my man.