Finally, something lighthearted

Jul 17, 2006 10:12

Sooo... Tricia, my dear bosom friend from Michigan, is going to be paying me a visit.

Since Auburn is *such* a rip-roaring fun time, we've decided to do a video scavenger hunt.

So now, dear LJ friends, the task falls to us:

What are some good and stereotypical Southern idiosyncrasies to document for a girl who's pretty much never been south of the Mason-Dixon?

1) Special-ordering un-sweet tea in any restaurant.
2) Observing the frozen foods selection in Winn-Dixie
3) Driving through Old/New Frat Row, Jordan-Hare
4) Driving through a trailer park
5) Driving around and seeing junk cars in yards/cars up on cinder blocks
6) People saying "y'all", anyone with a thick Southern drawl
7) Mexican restaurant staffed by Mexicans
8) Opelika downtown/plantation houses
9) Dollar Store
10) People wearing:
a) Camo
b) Frat outfit
c) Football paraphenalia
d) Wife-beater
e) Large belt buckle/boots
f) Jeans with worn tobacco-can impressions on the back pockets
11) People chewing on tobacco or toothpicks
12) Trucks (or cars) with:
a) Camo
b) Greek decals
c) Football decals
d) Deer's Head decals
e) Racing decals (bonus if #3)
f) Gun racks
g) Dried mud
h) Rebel flag decals
i) Republican/religious bumperstickers
j) Dirty Calvin&Hobbes decals
k) Dog(s) in the truckbed

If you think of others, or think any of these are not up to par, please comment! The more creative the better! So y'all come back now, y'hear?
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