The weekend, a few days late

Jul 12, 2006 14:17

Saturday was kind of a blah day. I don't really know why, but I just didn't have the energy or desire to do much. I did play with my GPS that I got on Friday when Melissa brought over my M-power. I thought that the command structure of the gps would be a little easier to set up and use, but so far, it hasn't just jumped off the page at me. I listened to one of the tutorials, and it was a joke. It's more like a demo than a tutorial, but that's ok.

I did play with the radio function of the M-power a little bit, and that was pretty interesting, except for the fact that in order to get good reception, one has to use headphones. It's funny, though, because even with the headphones, the reception isn't really any better than my clock radio, except that I cannot pick up the news talk radio station. That's no big deal to me, and since the functionality of the m-power isn't hampered by this, I'm not too concerned.

Sunday was a good day for me. Orchestra Sunday morning was nice, and thankfully, we finally played that song as a choir special that had the funky e-sharps in it. It was an arrangement of "The Love of God", but the orchestration for the sax part was not the best. We had a lot of parts that were like the note that really doesn't fit because it doesn't resolve. It reminded me of how some parts are written for “As the Deer”. We made up for it Sunday night because we played "Out of His Great Love", and that was fun, although I don't think Randy liked it was much as I did.

I took my M-power to church with me, to hopefully get contact information from my Sunday school class. That didn't work out, but I was able to get notes from Brother Ray's Sermons. I was wrong, and the last w of the Christian faith was Sunday morning, not July 2, like I had thought. I've put my sermon notes here, because I'm also keeping these journal entries in a hard copy format, and I think it will be nice to read later. I did try to put in cuts, but I could not get the coding to work. If some of you, more experienced at not using the ICONS, which don't work with my screen reader, could help, I'd appreciate it.

The w's of Christianity:
walking in faith
willing Christian
working Christian
waiting Christian
Psalms 27:11-14 and following
why is it so difficult to wait on God?
1. afraid, loose control and surrender
2. ego issue; we think we are exception. sometimes think we know better than God.
3. timing; just 1 more thing to do. easy to give up God, convinced ourselves don't have time.
Why does God make us wait?
1. waiting technique to teach Psalms 27:11
2. Waiting is test of what we believed: Psalms 27:13
3. waiting builds our trust; Psalms 27:14
trapeez flyer must not try to catch catcher; absolute trust we are flyers; God doesn't miss!
Why should we wait on God?
1. Lord is good to those who wait for him. Lamentations 3:25
2. Isaiah 49:23 Lord esteems those who wait for him (honors)
3. Lord renews those who wait for him. Isaiah 49:31
4. Psalms 37:9 Lord rewards those who wait upon him.
Do what God says not what people say.
John 15 dependence 15:5
3. branches: (a) attached but fruitless; (B) attached but dead; no life in it. not really connected keep healthy branches from producing; (c) attached and fruit producing. our existence is to glorify God!
glory of God can and should be reflected in our liv---.

test of persistence John 15:5
Abide means inward commitment. Not just a church, but 24/7. pursue when you feel like it, don't feel like it, and until you do feel like it. Feeling is byproduct of commitment not basis of commitment. Be real with God, and don't measure spirituality on feelings. Example is Genesis 32, parable in Luke about neighbor asking for food, Exodus 33 is Moses persisting.

sunday school, gps, orchestra

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