Jan 13, 2005 22:22
Ok man...i swear people think that their life is bad and all...but people have to relize that there are people whos lives taht are alot worse. It took me awhile to relize that but i wish other people would ya know....I mean i try and keep friends and i try to make friends but its not easy...especially when my husbands ex's are attacking me and him making us try and feel bad because they think that their lives are horribly bad....but i wish they would relize taht people have it alot worse then them.
I know my life is pretty shitty but i know people who have it worse then me. But people have a hard life. I know 2 people who have a hard life. but peoples lives have been harder. I wish that people could just get along. Im tired of the fighting and the arguing an the drama....i will stand by u jesse through thick and thin...no matter what....And for everyone who thinks they know me enough to start shit about me....Bring it to my face...not the computer but MY FACE. I try to stay a neutral person to everyone but sometimes it doesnt work that way....
I have people thinking im trying to corrupt their kids cuz other people like to say stupid shit like that..yeah im glad a child looks up to me. i dont know why they do but they do...and i also miss my child....Mathew i love you baby more then life its self...and always know mommy will be here for you...