(no subject)

Jul 02, 2011 16:44

I just had a chat with a porn IM spambot.

lexboyben1978 3:11 pm

lexboyben1978 3:40 pm

lexboyben1978 is available 4:29 pm

lesdeuxit 4:29 pm

lexboyben1978 4:29 pm
    Hey what's up? 23/F here. u?

lesdeuxit 4:30 pm

lexboyben1978 4:30 pm
    Hmm. Have we chattted before?

lesdeuxit 4:30 pm

lexboyben1978 4:31 pm
    Oh sorrrry. l waasnt sure. Butt anywayyyssss.. What r u up to?

lesdeuxit 4:31 pm

lexboyben1978 4:31 pm
    Oooo. lm Iike sooooo bored.
    Hey l got a idea.. lma get on my web-cam. Do u wanna watcch?

lesdeuxit 4:32 pm

lexboyben1978 4:32 pm
    Yeah? Ok u do have to siggnup for freee cause its settup thru this site so that l cant be recorrded. Ok?

lesdeuxit 4:32 pm

lexboyben1978 4:32 pm
    K babbe. lt's super simplIe
    http://access.im/7/nikki goo there then at the top of the pagge cIlick on the goIld buttton up at the top that says JOlIN FREE. K?

lesdeuxit 4:33 pm

lexboyben1978 4:33 pm
    AlIso when you signuup it wilI ask for a creddit card to veriffy your age.
    lt wiIl not charge the carrd at alI. Not even a pennny. Ilts just to make sure that u r over 18. AIriight?

lesdeuxit 4:33 pm
    do you take american express?

lexboyben1978 4:34 pm
    K. When you get finisshed and lIogged in then vieew my camm and we can have some fuuunnnn!!!

lesdeuxit 4:34 pm
    i guess that's a no

lexboyben1978 4:34 pm
    lf you tip me some goId or join me in privte l wilI do anythinng you ask me too.
    l mean ANYTHlING babe :-X

lesdeuxit 4:34 pm
    is that true

lexboyben1978 4:35 pm
    Iets taIlk on the site when you get in. Hurry up im ready to plIay.

lesdeuxit 4:35 pm
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