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Feb 10, 2005 22:18

Fatigue is not going to stop me...I want to address EVERYONE on my friends list.

(Though this will happen in parts, and just because you were not part of the original nine means nothing)

*** I have never known you to flaunt any of the many great things you have in your life. You cherish what you have, and yet you do not crush or smuther it from my perspective. That is all I can ask for, especially in the relationship you are part of. You are a natural protector of so many that you may not even know that well. That is not seen much. You show that chivalry is alive and well at least in some peopel still. And that takes alot to stand solely by those standards so strongly in today's world.

*** You are one of the few that knows why Circus Peanuts are so funny to me. Always able to have impecable timing with an oh-so-perfect one-liner, you have a way of making those around you smile. I wish that I could take the shit of life you may face and just throw it out...or sick it on some one we both don't like. You deserve the best, like Armani, and I wish I could magically give that to you.

*** When I first met you, I was like...whoa, she is happy and bubbly. Normally this scares me, but it was comforting with you. I noticed that it was just your excitement for life in general, and sharing every moment happily with the rest of the world. While looking back, I realize that I never got as close to you as perhaps I had wanted at times. You just had a way of smiling and especially laughing that was so contagious, and anyone can use that in their life.

*** I am not going to lie, parts of me were weirded out at times by some things at first. But as I got to know you, I grew to respect your amount of dedication to those things closest to your heart. You didn't need to be the best at it; you just needed to share what you were feeling on things. I think you realized that as professionals we saw eye-to-eye on certain things, and I gave you the opportunity to shine in what both of us saw as a key part in relaying our message to others. I can really learn from your kind-and-dedicated-heart.

*** I have to say, your intelligence and wit intimidates me to some extent. I am not uncomfortable around you, but I think I am just shocked at what you are able to come up with or talk about and just do it all so effortlessly. While always an outside observer of you, I have never heard anyone utter a bad thing about you...and that says alot for your character.

*** Whoa, fireball. You are always going going going, and it was the first thing I noticed when I saw you. You are able to look at the big picture and often seem to see it before those people you lead. I do not want to see someone like you burn out though because the world needs visionaries that can also deliver. While some styles of doing so I call into question as an innocent (cynical) bystander, I have grown to be in awe of the way tend to demand the respect and get people to work under you.

*** You and I have had our differences...from personal disputes to things of larger scale. But I understand that your heart is always in the right place in your mind. I think we butt heads because of a lot of similarities we have, and those differences we have seem to accentuate some of that more. You are not afraid to piss some people off. That is ballsy. And I have to admit, part of me likes that. I have seen you work on it, but I would really like to see more of a warm wrapping around approach to taking control instead of an abrasive direct route. The latter has its place, but more people gravitate towards the other...and I think that will make you get respect instead of expecting it just because.

*** I am glad to have you back in my life as a good friend again, even though you can hreally be what you eat. :) So much of my self-confidence comes from you. Before I never believed in myself at all, but you helped build that up. I like to think that I did the same for you in a lot of ways, and it is always fun having treks down memory lane. Good things are in store for you, and you best not forget the people that impacted your life along the way. But I hope to be there right behind you like I always said I would be.

I think that is everyone on my friends list between the two entries. So thank you all.
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