More Books

Mar 26, 2010 21:18

Just got a copy of The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual (ISBN = 9781435704404). As with many Lulu self published "esoteric" books this is a tiny, tiny collection of essays. Timothy Hogan seemed erudite enough during his interview on Masonic Central. I will report back later on the quality of this item.

I have also been reading recently The Trouble with Islam (ISBN = 0679312501). The writing style is decidedly journalistic but the author is charming and funny enough to pull this off. I am not far enough into the book to be ready to form any firm opinions. It seems so far to be more autobiographical rather than a serious look at the greatest existing religious conflict in the west.

I lucked out and found a remainder marked copy of The Secret World of Opus Dei at Renaissance Books on Monday. I snagged it and burned up some of my trade credit on all the rest of the Weiser and T.S. imprints.

I am going to get a few hours to list some stuff tonight for the first time this week. Work is crazy busy and not letting me play with my books much. Some strange stuff in this estate score, perhaps I will post a little later.


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