Aug 20, 2007 10:26
We have four new staff starting today, none of them in my department, all support staff that will make my life easier.
AND one of the other sales guys, who happens to be the owner's son-in-law took a lateral move and became Service Manager. This will make my life easier a WHOLE lot since service has been a mess for years with no manager.
AND the other salesman is away for the next 17 days.
AND the end of August can be very busy, being the run up to our heavy season in Sept/Oct. I sold 7 units in the last two weeks last August, all different new customers. This is a good thing for the pocketbook but not easy on the stress meter.
SO I am back to being the only salesperson in the strongest market in history while our dealership is experiencing record growth.
IF I seem personally stressed or I don't call you back don't take it personally. I just means I have gone insane.