Dec 09, 2008 16:29
quite a lot has not happened since I last updated...hence the lack in updates. I gave my notice on my apartment and have to move my stuff to a few different places so I can look for a new apartment when I get back, I'll be staying at a co-worker's who was nice enough to offer me his couch. Got a promotion at work but can't seem to get my boss to tell me what my raise is going to be because I think she's trying to screw me out of my performance raise and just split up my promotion raise. and basically aside from friends and the fact that I go home or the holidays in 8 days not much has been going to plan, usually I don't pay much heed to plans because they are never accorded to but in this case they seem to be going negative more so than positive. Again why I haven't updated because I didn't want my next post to turn into a rant but alas it has and I'm done typing, next time it will be a positive post, until then... good eve