Jul 03, 2005 00:01
Well, last night Elvia's dad decided that "it would be best for us to eat at Denny's instead" but that doesn't matter, because we had a good time anyways. Yes guys, there will be plenty of Mitch to go around, but you must first ask Elvia. JK.
Today I went to the Coral Square Mall to go shopping. I ended up buying some earings and a couple of dvds, C.H.U.D. and this compilation of zombie movies called THE LIVING DEAD, which has like 9 movies. On my way home, I decided to pick up some fireworks, and the stand happened to be runned by one of those "Are you a cop? I got some good fuckin' fireworks!" fellows, so now I'm ready for Elvia's family thing on the 4th.
Man am I glad I don't have to work next monday. Full time job, not the funnest way to spend your time, but I'll get over it when that fat fuckin' check comes in. The first thing I would like to do is take Elvia to The Red Lobster.
Last night Elvia and I got in an argument, and now that we've worked everything out, I think that we'll be closer than we've ever been before. There are some things that I'll have to work on, but now I'm sure that nothing will split us apart (I hope). July 16 will be Elvia and I's relationship's birthday, which will celebrated nationwide.
Well, that's all I have to say for now, so