Thumbwars II: Return of the infection*

Jun 16, 2004 00:11

* Or, Rob hones his skills as a drama queen:

Right, so the excitement continues! Today a little after lunch, I started to lose feeling in my thumb. The loss of sensation gradually spread up my arm and then my thumb started to get cold. I'm like, this ain't good. Then, I start to get light-headed and feel as though I'm going to pass out. Awesome!

Not knowing what was going on, I felt it best to err on the side of caution. I was perhaps too verbose about the symptoms and my boss accused me of being a drama queen. Not to be phased, I phoned the lovely sifnt to see if she had any ideas. She listened to the symptoms and reassured me that I wasn't about to keel over and die if I didn't get to a doctors straight away. Ace**! Thanks Lisa!

Got more and more light headed throughout the day until I could barely function. Bad karma! Meanwhile, Alastair was pushing me to get through that 25 page proposal and to concentrate, which I was finding exceedingly difficult. All in good fun. Apparently I'm just doing it all for attention. Which probably isn't entirely as untrue as I'd like to make out, but nyeh.

Anyway, I managed to schedule a little emergency appointment in with my normal doctor, who is the best doctor evar. Saw him around 7pm and he did some checks and figured out that it was all caused by low blood pressure, which was in turn turned by these crazy non-penecillin antibiotics I'm on. Non-penecilin because, apparently there's a chance that the next time I have penecillin, my skin will detatch from my body at the basale layer of the dermis and my liver will melt and I will die, or something equally scary. Hurrah!

:D So all's good and there's nothing to worry about... so far. All signs point to no appendage amputations! Hurrah! Looks like I WAS being a drama queen after all, eh? ;D

** Yes, that's a danoot meme infection right there!
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