Facebook is stupid, Myspace is stupid

Nov 28, 2006 14:09

Everything seems to be dumb! I have friends in myspace so I tried to sign up to be able to comment on their blogs but apparently I can't because the postal code that I use to get all of my mail (and succesfully receive mail with) is ivalid! Stupid thing. So now I can't comment to my friends on their blog. Annoyed.

A long time ago I signed up for this facebook thing that Krista invited me to and recently apparently everyone is getting one too and I was added I guess by others however when I go to add them apparently I am not registered. But when I register it claims that there is already an account that contains the university email address I submitted. OF COURSE THERE IS!! IT'S MY ACCOUNT WHICH YOU WON'T LET ME GET INTO!!! Annoyed more!

This is why I don't change what I already have. Livejournal forever!

Also, it doesn't relaly matter for writing purposes because I don't really feel like writing much anymore, but it's quite annoying when you want to interact with friends on the other systems and the things are just being STUPID!

That is all.

[EDIT] Ok, so facebook works now and it's actually not that bad except that it is making my procrastinating much easier. Also, I found some people from my elemetary school which is pretty neat, I wonder if they remeber me.

Myspace is still stupid though.
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