Jun 23, 2007 15:51
Elizabeth is napping in her crib for the first time! I put her down after I fed her because I just KNEW she was exhausted and needed a nap. She fussed about as much as she does at bed time (maybe a minute, tops) and then drifted off to sleep. This is the first time I've been able to get her to nap in the crib. She spends about half the night in her crib before she wants to eat and I fall asleep nursing her so she never makes it back into the crib. During the day I've tried having her nap in there but she either wakes up as soon as I set her down, nor matter how deeply asleep she is, or screams bloody murder. So, she's been napping in the swing which is going to be too short for her at some point. I'm hoping this is a sign that not only will she start to nap in her crib more often but, maybe she'll start to sleep longer at night if she's used to sleeping only in her crib without the swinging motion of the swing.
In other news, we went garage sale-ing today since it's was the Bradford Town-wide Yard Sale today. Shawn bought three road bikes for $5 each at three different sales. He's been looking for one and was like a little kid, all giddy at having gotten three beat up bikes to tinker with. I found a double jogging stroller for $75 (with stroller toys and a mosquito net thrown in). These usually go for $200 or more new and even though it doesn't have a few of the things I would have wanted in a new one (parent tray, bar for the kids, and a swivel front wheel), I wouldn't have gotten one at all because of the price tag. So, now I have a nice jogging stroller which will come in super handy on the road to the beach since it has a brake for the hill and rugged tires for the crazy side of the road. :)
I'm also starting to get into this crocheting thing. I went to the Fiber Studio today and they have AWESOME yarn. The softest wool I have every felt (not scratchy at all, more like silk and it wasn't even cashmere). It's a little more expensive than the stuff at Wal-Mart of JoAnn Fabric and I dind't see any undyed stuff (they might have had some but I was in a hurry so didn't ask) so I'll wait until I get a little more proficient before I go back and spring for some of the good stuff. I'd love to make a pair of longies out of that silky wool (I think it was alpaca and/or merino, actually) for Elizabeth this winter. They were having a yard sale too and Shawn scored a plastic tricycle with a handle on the back so he could push Xander around with it. All-in-all it was a very successful day. I just wish I had more time to relax. By the time Shawn gets home from the bike shop it'll be dinner time and then I'll have to go clean the church.