
May 17, 2007 17:12

It's pretty much the extent of Xander's vocabulary for the past couple weeks. He's completely obsessed. I actually want to buy something from Lowes hardware because their last circular came with three pages of tractors which I taped to the wall behind Xander's couch. He is vocabulary building, though. Yesterday's new word was 'blue' and we've been working on getting him to say it only to things that are actually blue. He loves to 'color... blue?' even if the crayon he's using is yellow.

He's starting to interact a lot more with Elizabeth who is determined to crawl before she'll sleep through the night. She's still getting up at least twice a night and only spends until maybe 1 or 2am in her crib. However, much to my surprise, Shawn managed to get her to fall asleep in her crib last night for the first time. She was tired and ready to go to sleep but, not asleep yet. He just placed her in the crib and we didn't hear a peep. He went up about ten minutes later to check on her and he could hear her sucking her thumb but that was it- she rolled over onto her tummy and was fast asleep. Of course, that made me nervous because the peak incidence of SIDS is between 4 and 6 months but, I wasn't about to flip her back over and she was just fine.

Today we went to Toys R Us because Xander's birthday is tomorrow and he's part of the birthday club. He got a mylar balloon, a crown, a $3 gift card, and they announced his name and that it's his birthday over the loudspeaker. It was really cool. He picked out some trucks for the sandbox and underwear (weird kid- but it's time to start training because his diapers are getting leaky and he wears the largest size they come in). After Toys R Us we went down to see Daddy. Xander was so excited about the 'cocks' (ie: rocks) on the side of the road by the airport that they use to help prevent erosion. He really wanted to get out and get some of them. It was cute.

Tomorrow is the big day! We're having the Bailey girls over for a late-ish lunch and cupcakes since Gina's schedule changed so that we can't meet on Thursdays for lunch and play anymore. Mom is coming up later that day, maybe in time for dinner.
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