Feb 12, 2007 07:50
Elizabeth needs to stop with the 1.5 hour intermission from sleep at night. I'm exhausted. I really need more than a few hours of sleep if I'm only gonna get it in 1-2 hour spurts at a time. But, I think part of it is that she's starting a growth spurt so she was eating more yesterday. That doesn't explain why she's been doing that up from about 2-3:30ish since Friday, though...
So, last night I finally got her to settle down with me on the couch around 11:30. She woke me up around 1:30 to eat again and fell asleep on me at 2 so I went upstairs only to come back downstairs when she woke up. She ate again and we finally settled back down on the couch around 3ish. She woke me up around 5 to eat again and THIS time we finally got to up to bed, which ended up being a mistake because Xander woke me up at 7 even though Elizabeth would have slept for at least another hour (and Xander would ahve been perfectly capable of doing that too, or at least entertaining himself so I could sleep- if I hadn't been in bed right next to him). So, that was about 5 hours or so of sleep total... I think it might finally be time to move Xander into his own room so I don't have to worry about Elizabeth waking him up at night when she's crying in an effort to settle down (why I sleep on the couch a lot) and so he doesn't wake me up too prematurely or I can at least snooze and take y time waking up if Elizabeth isn't also awake.
Interesting side note: At 5 weeks old, Elizabeth was 9 pounds 1 ounce. At 5 weeks 1 day old, Xander was 10 pounds. That's just a 14 ounce difference between the two. tee hee But, Elizabeth is a girl and girls tend to be lighter than boys. Plus, we didn't shove milk down Elizabeth's throat for a couple weeks in the beginning like we did with Xander to make sure he started thiving.