Spoilers: Uh. I talked with the author a lot about this, and the thing is that so much of it is rewritten from canon that even the spoilers are buried in a lot of stuff that makes them look made-up. To be safe you should have seen through "Utopia" in DW and probably "End Of Days" in TW, and probably a good portion of "Life On Mars," but if you think somethings a spoiler, it actually probably isn't.
Siiiigh… a real post… I have to use caps and shit.
I have not been around much lately because real life is giving it to me hard up the back and not the good way. Screw that. But I wanted to pimp out a friend's giant crossover sandbox project thing called Damaged People. I love this, even when
draegonhawke is allergic or something to writing out porn, which is actually how I got involved: I've been conscripted to write out pornybits here and there.
In Damaged People, Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood fame finds himself in 1973 Manchester, where he meets Life On Mars' Sam Tyler, and naturally
catastrophe ensues. They get off to a rocky start after which
Jack more or less adopts Sam, and they start off on a rollicking romp through time, space,
arguments and
more disasters.
My caveat is that, while it is a slash universe, the slash takes a really long time to get started, so don't go in if you're expecting all slash all the time. Also it's huge and long and still being posted, but while I don't make a habit of reccing multipart things, most of these vignettes are designed to stand on their own.
Jack let him go, and stepped back. "What do you want from me?"
"Honesty," Sam said.
Jack bared his teeth. (Honesty is less kind. Certainly less romantic.)
"Or you can leave me right here," Sam said. "And I'll find my own way home."
("Honesty," is it. Not a tall order or anything. Should have just asked for the moon; I could at least con you that.)