Nov 24, 2008 01:27
- 04:29 iphone net is being so dumb for me tonight. *stabs many little error messages* #
- 04:33 Also, why am I not sleepy at 4:30 in the morning? #
- 04:48 @ andsayhello SO a better response than the 'you're weird' I usually get! #
- 11:19 My hat today is sparkly! (yes, you all needed to know this, hush) #
- 13:47 Cannot find my glasses for the life of me. Should have invested in a tracking system by now. Really. #
- 15:05 about to fork out large amounts on a brand new macbook. omg, all kinds of flail! #
- 15:27 @ EternalScribe both SO excited, and yet terrified of spending that much on one thing. Eeee. #
- 15:40 @ TakenByTheWind ridiculously enough, my first car cost LESS than this. O.o Seems crazy. #
- 16:10 I CAN HAS NEW LAPTOP! *clings to it gleefully* #
- 16:33 @ TakenByTheWind omg, I hadn't even thought of that! #
- 16:45 @ TakenByTheWind my last one stayed as ToBeDetermined for a YEAR. I fail. #
- 16:52 Okay, Twiiter flist, POLL TIME. Help me with potential laptop names? #
- 22:29 Oh eljay, please to start giving my comment notifs in a timely fashion, mmkay? #
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