Seriously, could the world not have picked a better day to conspire on me? It would've been nice.
So, this really takes a whole entry, not just random Twitterings.
I had a deadline today. Not unusual. Spent a laarge portion of my weekend working on this piece of code and a write up that I had pretty much done by last night.
It was finished, I was happy. Had alcohol, was merry, almost flashed my friend Tom (his fault and he swears blind he didn't see anything, not that I particularly care, mostly finding it funny).
Anyway, this morning had wee issue with a glass of water and my pressscious MacBook. With all my work for the day's deadline on. OH YEAH.
My laptop is fucked, and I mean in the 'would cost £800 to fix' sort of way. My own fault, I freely admit. Leaving your big honking glass of water near electrical goods? Bad plan. My RAM was freaking waterlogged, burn marks on the motherboard, fried damn near everything aside from the brand new hard drive. Go figure.
The boy took it into the Mac store earlyearly this morning and had to blag liiiiiiie his way into getting an appointment at the last minute - I have no idea how he did it, but he got them to rescue the assessed work, emailed it to me, and I did actually make my deadline (yay!).
Spent most of the time pre-deadline nursing my hangover and feeling... kind of ill. Then went to my next lecture, and... wrong room. Thought that was lame. By the time I'd realised all that, hey, I was already late and decided that screw this, I was going home.
At home, there were no less than three letters from the student loan people. Never good. They want me to give them money. Again. Do not want.
Decided it was shower time, because when you've thrown up a few times in a day, you just need it (I blame it all on the tequila). Got a call from a friend about a half hour later suggesting I get the hell back in to campus to this class I was avoiding since it was actually part of an assessed dealio and would be 5% of my module. Not fucking with that in the last year of my degree and ran back into campus. In the rain, no less.
Got there, sat down in the back of the lecture theatre? Class ended after two minutes, about an hour before it was supposed to, it wasn't worth 5%, and I was wet.
Home again, found water leak in bag. Only after putting it down on my bed and having a bunch of the colour leech into my duvet.
I am not having much luck with water today.
*headdesks repeatedly*
Bright side? I am now twenty one. I am seeing all my friends tonight. Also I am very proud of my RP skillz while plastered. Anyway, point is. I AM DETERMINED NOT TO CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT OTHER CRAP.
See caps? I mean it. Nothing can touch my cheerful today. NOTHING. Right.