But, I think all the glitter came off my pr0nstar tube top!

Nov 29, 2006 15:24

1. Hands up who else thought the dean would be the one to end up dead? It just had to happen, really it did. Now all we need to know is who shot the sheriff dean. I don't even know what I think about that yet.

2. And there was Mac! And now I can use that STD shirt icon without feeling like I'm being at all spoilery!

3. Logan and Veronica breaking up. So inevitable. Sad, but after last week I didn't really expect it to last much longer. Those two are so screwed up in their special way, and yet I love them for it.

4. LOGAN = so. much. love. I did kinda want to see him kicking the crap outta Mercer for drugging/attempting to rape Veronica, though.

5. Piz really is growing on me. I can't explain it, but he's so adorkable. Maybe it was the dancing? Maaaybe.

6. This was like uber-episode for the minor characters. Veronica, Wallace, Mac and Piz = the awesome foursome. They even managed to slip us a bit of rescuer!Parker and techie-ish!Weevil in there.

7. Woe, for now there will be no more VM for ages.

fangirling, vm

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